So this has been a very slow move. We got 33" of snow last week so I couldn't get to the "old" house to move the remainder of my belongings. We dug out on Monday, I worked all week and didn't have time to move more stuff. My girlfriend (who I bought the new house with) finally sold her condo so we need to move her junk tomorrow and Sunday. 

But, I did go over to exercise the motorhome a bit tonight. Got it up to operating temp, ran the generator, etc.

I put 100 PSI in the rear bags and man does it jack the back up! I'm thinking I can get up the new driveway without much of a problem at 100 PSI. Not sure how much more I can jack it up but there seemed to be more room to be had.

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I need a set of those bags for the Palace Jim. It would make leveling it much easier. just blow up the bags and set jack stands under it. sounds doable anyway; probably be better to invest in a true system though i guess. Nice hearing from you and sorry about that snow thing, We only got 9" but that was enough for me I had the camper all set up for emergency e-vac but luck held out and now it's back to being at the ready for the next big event. Hope you guys get dug out and things hold out for the move. Good luck

Thanks Rich. The bags do work nice. I can raise or lower each side individually or put it on auto so it maintains level itself. I'll get it close at the campground and set it down on jackstands. I've never had it pumped up that high before. It *should* clear, or at least not scrape alot. Sorry to say I have to take out 2 big oaks and 3 smaller ones to make room, but the lot is wooded so there are plenty of trees left.

The new driveway is 500 feet long so we all got a pretty good workout moving the 2 1/2 feet of snow from it. Then I had to clear the driveway at the old house (where the Allegro is). Can't wait to get the RV perched up here along with the Impala. Need to have my toys close by.

I can attest to both Jim, my drive way is about 700 feet up through a grove of pines with a dogleg left hander just at the steepest point. ( sucks) I do have a nice  little 4x4 john Deere tractor though ( one of my toys) that makes life much better. It has a four way heavy blade up front that is just wonderful for snow, dirt or any other plowing need. It's older but I bought it new in 94 and it's a part of the family now . We call it little john. I have a 4410 John Deer we mow with and it was easier to tell the boys to get the big tractor or the little tractor and they just morphed into Big John and Little John. LOL sounds like a ferry tail but all my toys have a practical purpose or I wont have it. I want a backup gen set for the house but can't see paying all that money out for something that won't be used 99 percent of the time. so now I'm saving up for a Hobart 11- k gas welder generator set that I can justify owning. Sorry I got off point a bit. I wanted to say I know how you feel cutting the trees and the hassle of the long drive way but the benefit of being up and away from the traffic and other neighbors is well worth the time and effort at least in my book. I was raised in a suburb were you could spit through your window into the neighbors house if you was so inclined and swore I would never live like that again and knock on wood I haven't had too. Anyway, congratulations on the new home and when you cut those trees save some of the logs. You canhave them milled for home projects; that way they will still be a part of the property and you won't have to feel bad about taking them out.  This is the curve in my Drive way, 

My driveway does the same thing but in the other direction - tight right turn at a steep part. There's a stockade fence that starts at that point so if you screw up you also take out the fence. I'm not complaining - we just need to be aware of it. I do like being up away from traffic and the neighbors. I need to think about what sort of machinery I'd want/need up here. Something that will plow snow, push dirt around and mow would be ideal. But there's also a budget to consider, and a long list of other improvements and modifications I want to make before I drop a lot of coin on toys (no matter how practical they might be :)

I now live in the town I grew up in (again). My last house in-town was in your typical 1/4-acre lot neighborhood where I could reach out the bathroom window and hand my neighbor a bar of soap. This time around we shopped for along time until we came upon this in-town lot set up on the hill. We've been here a month and it's been great.




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