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  • Dean

    Thanks Lakota. I will take plenty of pictures. I do have a question. The central heat system, is it safe enough for the most part to leave on all night? Should I use electric heaters. The wiring is over 30 years old and of  coarse so is the heater. Any suggestions?

  • Lakota Wolf

    I use my heater on all night,, its controlled by the thermostat and runs its cycles.. But,,,,, To be sure and give you a piece of mind,, I ran my gas heater during the day while I was awake listening and *sniffing, ( for gas fumes or something burning). Just to make sure it worked properly. Plus I have a gas and smoke detector that work. Now remember, the gas furnace runs off 12 volt D/C.......  NOT 110/120 v a/c. And your 12 v. blower motor is on a 15 amp 12v, auto fuse,,, If motor gets over heated or shorts it blows the fuse,,and if your fire box gets to hot or rapid fluctuation of your gas,, the safety cut offs are in place to shut everything down in your furnace... When you fire up your furnace, make sure all your vents are blowing air,,, to make sure you didnt get a mouse building a nest in the ducting. We also use electric heater to take the chill out of the air when its NOT sub zero antartic freezing cold,, cheaper then running gas furnace.

  • Dean

    Thanks for the info. I found all the wires pulled on the heater system. That has me thinking. I am going to hook up all the wires and test the fuse. Need to find out if the motor is any good. Thanks again.