Vintage Wildcat Owners Group

A place for owners of vintage Wildcat travel trailers to discuss, post photos, leave tips, give advice, ask questions, etc. All things Wildcat.

  • Kaya Kismet

    Come back! I know there are a few of us!

  • Pam

  • Pam

    I recreated the banner, as best I could. The PO did such a poor paint job, I was able to uncover one wildcat and went from there. I purchased a 1969 Wildcat in 2013 and set it aside to renovate a 1969 Serro Scotty. I am back to working on my Wildcat (which has been in a storage locker) and am up to the point of wiring some of my outside lights. 

    I'll echo some of the previous comments: there is very little info on these campers out there! 

  • Kaya Kismet

    Thanks so much Pam!
  • Kaya Kismet

    So what year do you have? Done anything restoration wise? I just got a 65. Many plans for it!
  • Pam

    I have a 1969 Wildcat. I’m in the process of figuring out the layout I’m going to use (different than the original) so that I can rough in some of the electrical. No, I’m not an electrician, but I’m planning on using my Serro Scotty as a blueprint.
  • harrell cook

     I had to buy tires to get it home had 155/r80 13 had to put 175r80 13 is this the size

  • Russell E Johnson

    Hi Harrell, 

    The 175s are about 1/2 in bigger in diameter than the 155s. You will also have a larger carrying capacity. The biggest thing to be aware of is the load rating, or the new load index rating to make sure you got a tire that is capable of carrying the load. You want a minimum of a load range c with load range d even better. The load index will be around 86 with 91 being preferable. Hope this helps.

  • harrell cook

    bought dload range thanks

  • harrell cook

     cleaned wildcat  water damage 4 panels roof leak two places an 

    back side can fix. but snowed can not get in garage so will have 

    cover work on in side

  • harrell cook

    find number on tonge 13243 is this the vin