Yes a Model 13. When we bought the trailer, it was used as a field office for an electrician and didn't have a title so I didn't know what kind of trailer it was. It had the Wildcat sticker on the front but the school district that we're in and where we bought the trailer was the North Union Wildcats so I figured that it was just a bumper sticker from there. I posted the pictures on line and asked if anyone knew what kind of trailer it was and Juergen Eichermueller responded and told me it was a Wildcat Travel Trailer. I thought well, Duh...that's what it says on the front but that really is the name. I still haven't found a vin or serial number. Could you tell me where the number is on yours? I need it to get a new title made or get a new one assigned to it. These must be rare trailers because I can't find hardly anyone with them on line. Have you been able to find much information on them? Mr. Eichermueller did send me a disk that had a report on the trailer from 1965 and some ads in various magazines. I'm looking for a rear window for it now without much success.
Larry Carsey
Yes a Model 13. When we bought the trailer, it was used as a field office for an electrician and didn't have a title so I didn't know what kind of trailer it was. It had the Wildcat sticker on the front but the school district that we're in and where we bought the trailer was the North Union Wildcats so I figured that it was just a bumper sticker from there. I posted the pictures on line and asked if anyone knew what kind of trailer it was and Juergen Eichermueller responded and told me it was a Wildcat Travel Trailer. I thought well, Duh...that's what it says on the front but that really is the name. I still haven't found a vin or serial number. Could you tell me where the number is on yours? I need it to get a new title made or get a new one assigned to it. These must be rare trailers because I can't find hardly anyone with them on line. Have you been able to find much information on them? Mr. Eichermueller did send me a disk that had a report on the trailer from 1965 and some ads in various magazines. I'm looking for a rear window for it now without much success.
Jan 13, 2011