City and State where you are located. Do not use zip code, you know what it means but it means nothing to the rest of us.
Bloomington Indiana
Tell us a little About Yourself
Retired Electrical Engineer and Semi retired Attorney (aka The Country Lawyer). Took up the 5 string Banjo 3 years ago learning Scruggs Finger Picking Style of Bluegrass.
Thanks for winterizing information! This year in Arizona, I won't need to use the info; hooray! Perhaps if I can afford the cost of fuel, I'll drive north and try it out next year.
Hey John! How much to do a complete electrical pla on my Travco 270? I sat down with, and came up with several different options.
In simplicity, System runs on solar. Has a multitude of different systems connected to the power providers'. Cameras, Motion sensing camera track systems. Retractable solar panels (both sides), you know, the common crap. Turbine generator , like the Yamaha / Kawasaki whisper system. And the typical electronics interfaced with inverters.
Kim Christensen
Oct 15, 2013
mark danieli
Nov 27, 2013
Lakota Wolf
Awesome set up with the triples John,,, Looking good..
Jan 3, 2014
Franco F Fontanero
Jun 9, 2014
R. Randall Halton
Hey John! How much to do a complete electrical pla on my Travco 270? I sat down with, and came up with several different options.
In simplicity, System runs on solar. Has a multitude of different systems connected to the power providers'. Cameras, Motion sensing camera track systems. Retractable solar panels (both sides), you know, the common crap. Turbine generator , like the Yamaha / Kawasaki whisper system. And the typical electronics interfaced with inverters.
Can you do this.
Let me know and we can talk...
Aug 16, 2014