Welcome Alan, This site is a good fit for you and your wife. Many folks here like it the old fashion way. Full timers, part timers, day campers and dry camping there's something here for every one. there's how too's why for's and have too's to be found on the many links and articles you have at your finger tips. There's chat and search and comments to post to and good folks to help out if you have a question or just want to post a comment. It's nice to have you along.
Rich Thomas
Welcome Alan, This site is a good fit for you and your wife. Many folks here like it the old fashion way. Full timers, part timers, day campers and dry camping there's something here for every one. there's how too's why for's and have too's to be found on the many links and articles you have at your finger tips. There's chat and search and comments to post to and good folks to help out if you have a question or just want to post a comment. It's nice to have you along.
Jan 21, 2016