know of any vintage campers for sale in south texas?? want one up to 20 ft, with bathroom,ice box and stove, rear bedroom , that can be towed with 6cil leaks, and sound,can pain and redecrate, but as a widow that about all i can take on. lol e-mail foster.henreitta@yahoo if you know of anythink.
david kenyon & Danae Stewart
Its a 13 foot thankyou for looking.
Oct 3, 2012
know of any vintage campers for sale in south texas?? want one up to 20 ft, with bathroom,ice box and stove, rear bedroom , that can be towed with 6cil leaks, and sound,can pain and redecrate, but as a widow that about all i can take on. lol e-mail foster.henreitta@yahoo if you know of anythink.
Jan 28, 2013
david kenyon & Danae Stewart
Here are pic. email me for pic. of Ac setupma
May 2, 2013