Tracy Cottrell

Profile Information:

You And RVing
Part Time RVer
What's your camper's Brand, i.e. Travco, Shasta, etc.
1979 Dodge Travco
City and State where you are located. Do not use zip code, you know what it means but it means nothing to the rest of us.
Millersburg, Ohio
Tell us a little About Yourself
Love to go camping, this is the first year with the Travco. Looking forward to camping in our neighborhood.
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Comment Wall:

  • Betty-Shea Hoffman

    Hi Tracy!! Ol' Dodges are the best!!
    I have a Dodge/Chinook 1976 and A Dodge Ram Class B 1985 !!
    Happy camping and welcome:)
  • Dave and Debbra Mason

    Hi Tracy,  We tried the capacitor but that didn't work.  I am also looking for a good 4 barrel carburetor for the Travco 1982.