April Tierney


United States

Profile Information:

You And RVing
Part Time RVer
City and State where you are located. Do not use zip code, you know what it means but it means nothing to the rest of us.
Princeton, NJ
Tell us a little About Yourself
Proud member #607 Sisters on the Fly. Making girls out of women. We have more fun than anyone!

Comment Wall:

  • Kim H

    Welcome to the site! We look forward to your future posts

    Spartanburg, SC
  • Kevin Town

    Nice job!...Your camper is very cute!, I was thinking of doing the same thing with the birch luon in my trailer, I was wondering what size sheet does each come in and how much it retails for @ Home-Depot?....I think it gives a richer vintage look and is much stronger than original ceiling. I also like the rope trim, very clever!!!!
  • Kevin Town

    I towed my "Metzie" just this spring. It is 12' long, weighs 900lbs, and is a 1973. I have had it 6 plus years and is excellent condition, I have cared for it continuosly, making sure evrything stays in tip-top shape. It tows wonderful and doesn't require a beefy engine to tow, a 4 cylinder would do the job. I want to sell it in order to aquire another camper to restore. The only change I have made is removing the ice box and installing double cupboard doors to hide the portable port-a-potty i now keep in there. I am not firm on my price of $3,400.00 either.