Rick Becker

Profile Information:

You And RVing
Part Time RVer
City and State where you are located. Do not use zip code, you know what it means but it means nothing to the rest of us.
Denver Colorado
Tell us a little About Yourself
Not much to tell... I want to do some additional restoration of my Motorhome

Comment Wall:

  • Curtis Williams

    Hi Rick: I see that you have a Sports Coach III. You have the best coach ever built. I have an 85 and I live in it full time.  I have had 3 other coaches that were later models but I wouldn't trade all of them for my SC III. If I can help you with your restoration. Just let me know.  I lost my wife and every thing else to ALS. We bought a Pace Arrow to take her back and forth to Houston to her DR. After I lost her. I moved into the coach. I traded several times .   When I found this coach. I knew it was what I wanted, There is not another coach that is as good as what  you have, There are a lot of things that I could tell you about other coaches. You have a GEM. Have A GREAT DAY.      Curtis

  • Curtis Williams

    Good morning, Rick: Thanks for the reply. We don't have the same coach. But if I can help, I will. My neighbor needs some help this AM. I don't have much time, My email is   bayouman65@yahoo.com   Please contact me and lets get that coach going. I am not an expert on anything. But when you live in one for several years you learn stuff that you don't learn in books. Have a GREAT day.     Curtis