Natalya Helvie

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You And RVing
Part Time RVer
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grand rapids mn
Tell us a little About Yourself
I love old campers!! I just got one but I need some advice on how to fix it up. I put some pictures of our camper on now, but I'll try and update them as we do more work.

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  • Jeff Pierce

    Oh and one other thing. I noticed that the woodsman logo on the front of your camper looks pretty clear. Mine is very faded and i'm wanting to make a new one. Would it be possible to get a close up picture of that?
  • Craig & Lisa

    Cute camper and I am sure it will be adorable when you get it completed. Looking forward to seeing your camper when you are all done. :o)


    Craig & Lisa

  • Jeff Pierce

    I read pros and cons on both, but what I went with was exterior latex. I didn't want to go with automotive paint or take it in to have it painted as i didn't want that gloss type look. I want it to look clean but with a mat type finish. I'm painting one side per weekend. I just finished the passenger side (side with door) Ii'll try to get some pics up before the weekend