Hi Steve, hope your holidays were joyous and peaceful! I wanted to ask you about these weiner dogs since you've probably had yours longer than I mine. Dixie is getting to be a pill. I had her spayed about a week ago. I don't know if that's the problem or what, but she absolutely won't "take" anything from any of the other dogs.....the other larger dogs mostly. She literally chases Goldie, a g-retriever mix around the yard and for whatever reason Goldie just tries to get away from her. However, the other dog....my mild-mannered, easy going lab and she got into it one day and while I was trying to pull the lab off Dixie, darned if it wasn't Dixie doing the hanging on!! And now, when Dixie is in my lap no other dog can come near me or she'll start growling! I'm not sure what to do but the behavior isn't tolerable anymore. Even when I fuss at her she gives me attitude! My neighbor says she's a rottweiler in disguise. I noticed some of this before the spaying but now .........whew! The last "weinie" I had wasn't like this, Bits was a darling. Originally Dixie was a foster but no home was found for her so she's here for good.
uh huh. well. hmmm.....guess life will be forever interesting or maybe eventful would be a better word. LOL. Thanks for the info.....explains why she follows me everywhere and I mean everywhere. Well, I won't fuss at her anymore, just have to do some adjusting of some sort....if I can figure out what sort that would be, ha! Also explains why she goes after Goldie. Poor Goldie comes running to greet me and give me a doggie hug and for that she gets a ball of fury nipping at her. Geez.
At least we've all survived the holidays! Although we had bouts of colds and flu to get through.
Take care and keep in touch when you can.....Helen
Helen Waddell
Best wishes, Helen
Dec 22, 2011
Helen Waddell
Hi Steve, hope your holidays were joyous and peaceful! I wanted to ask you about these weiner dogs since you've probably had yours longer than I mine. Dixie is getting to be a pill. I had her spayed about a week ago. I don't know if that's the problem or what, but she absolutely won't "take" anything from any of the other dogs.....the other larger dogs mostly. She literally chases Goldie, a g-retriever mix around the yard and for whatever reason Goldie just tries to get away from her. However, the other dog....my mild-mannered, easy going lab and she got into it one day and while I was trying to pull the lab off Dixie, darned if it wasn't Dixie doing the hanging on!! And now, when Dixie is in my lap no other dog can come near me or she'll start growling! I'm not sure what to do but the behavior isn't tolerable anymore. Even when I fuss at her she gives me attitude! My neighbor says she's a rottweiler in disguise. I noticed some of this before the spaying but now .........whew! The last "weinie" I had wasn't like this, Bits was a darling. Originally Dixie was a foster but no home was found for her so she's here for good.
Sorry to be so long-winded!
take care, Helen
Jan 3, 2012
Helen Waddell
At least we've all survived the holidays! Although we had bouts of colds and flu to get through.
Take care and keep in touch when you can.....Helen
Jan 5, 2012