
Profile Information:

You And RVing
Full Time RVer
What's your camper's Brand, i.e. Travco, Shasta, etc.
1986 Fleetwood Prowler Regal
City and State where you are located. Do not use zip code, you know what it means but it means nothing to the rest of us.
Tell us a little About Yourself
We are newbies to RV living. I am a photographer and my husband is a commercial truck driver. We want to renovate some things on the trailer and this looks like a great place to learn!
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Comment Wall:

  • Lakota Wolf

    Welcome Mary.. Lots of great folks here to help ya. Thats the fun of an older RV,, Fixing and building it like YOU want it. Just remember, dont over analyze a project and take your time and reap the fruits of your labor.