Ginger Hobgood


United States

Profile Information:

You And RVing
Part Time RVer
What's your camper's Brand, i.e. Travco, Shasta, etc.
1968 wildcat
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We just purchased a 1968 wildcat and am looking for more info on this maker?
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Comment Wall:

  • Lakota Wolf

    Box doors, (like yours) are relativley easy to rebuild,, they are basically a minimal frame,and the voids filled in with corrigated card board or styrofoam, Unscrew the surrounding screws and seperate the outter and inner door panels and just rebuild the frame, but use L brakets at the joints, and add a couple more cross supports and resupport the center windows.

    Its actually easier then one would think,, the hardest part is removing and re-installing the door itself.

  • Lakota Wolf

    I failed to mention,, It will be easier to remove the center windows, reducing the weight when removing the door and re-installing it after the rebuild is complete,,(they have to be removed anyways when you disasemble the door).