Hello everyone!


   I'd first like to say that I LOVE this forum from what I've gathered so far and am very excited to begin jib-jabbing back and forth!  Now to the dirt:


   My fiance and I just inherited a 1969 Fleetwood Prowler Travel Trailer.  It is a 16' jobber, and there is seemingly no information on the net about it.  It has been family owned since 1969 (her Grandpa from '69 to '88, her dad from '88 to '02, her brother from '02 to '11, now it's ours!) and for being 42 years old, is in exceptional condition. 


   I am building a list of things that needs to be done as I go.  New caulk here, new screws there, tighten this up, loosen that up...my list got very complicated immediately upon bringing her home and I'm hoping someone somewhere can shed some light on my dilemna.


  First off, some plumbing went bad immediately and I had to cut into the sheet metal on the floor (outside from below).  Does anyone know where a fella could find this sheet metal or how much it costs?


  Second; there are three major and probably two or three minor areas of dryrot (no wet-rot mind you, which is great!) in the panel board.  I am having a terrible time locating any panel board for RV's being that it isn't 1970 anymore.  Does anyone have a good resource for this?  I am positive I won't be able to match the old paneling, so I'd just as soon find a replacement that is close to the same look and feel, but enough that I can replace it all at once while sanding the old drawers down and matching everything up.


   As I move along, I'll post some of my projects and I'm sure I'll have more questions in the future - I have all the photos of the travel trailer in my photo album right now if you'd like to take a look!  And anyone who has had one of these '69, '70, '71, etc. Prowlers, Please Share!!!!  Thank you!



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AWESOME .... From what I underwstand, Fleetwood wasn't making these in 69' ... so who knows who actually manufactured. I LOVE my 17.5 Prowler. My Dad picked it up for $300 from a friend he went to school with (He is 81) .... his friend's granddaughter I went to school with and has been following my project on Facebook. The original receipt was for $2275.00. WOW or what ?

Some one on here said they had a manual .... I could sure use some pointers on some of the stuff. I also have some photos of mine.


Hi Terri;


   I'd love to see some photos of yours!  I do have the manual but it's almost entirely useless, to be quite honest.  I am going to see if I get some time this week to scan it to a PDF file and I could send you a copy!


I have a few posted in my photos .... have you looked yet ? I saw your photos ... wow, finally I get to see someone with a 69 Prowler too. Our doors are different locations and the table and couch or located diferently. But how cool to see other photos. Thanks !

So the maunaul you have is not really a owners manual ? I would think that the actual manual would have "how to use" information on each item such as how the hot water lights and heats, the electrical boxes, the furnace the fridge and the toilet. I did find info on the toilet however.


I will have to look through it again, but if I remember correctly it is comparable to the owners manual you get for a clock radio.  It's sort of vague about things and is more informative in the "This is where everything is at" manner than it is in the "This is how everything works" department.  I will see what I need to do to get it into a PDF format.  If I can't figure it out, I'll photo copy all the factory information I have and mail it to you at a later date?  This one has been in my fiance's family since her grandpa bought it new in '69, and they are very meticulous people about keeping documentation, etc. etc.  I'll have to get back to you one evening this week when I have a chance to breath! (5am on a Monday and I'm already busy!!!).

Hey .... Thanks for all your help. I was the same way when I was given my trailer from my Dad. Whenever is fine with me and understand about 5 am Mondays !!!!

Have A Great Day ! Lookinf forward to hearing from you again !


I just bought a 1969 Prowler, new member of the site. It has some issues with warping on the vaneer paneling around ceiling vent and walls, and some cosmetic repair. Not too bad, something I look forward to refinishing. It'll be a fun project. I was wondering if you had the manual, I would love to be able to look at it.  Also I was wondering the approximate weight (dry).  I'll be wieighing it before loading up to be sure though... Cheers and thank you!


I'll be posting some pictures in a few days, the "before" phase :)



Hi there Lizajane!

   Well congratulations - there are only a few of us out there that I can find...an ELITE vintage crew you've joined!  


Let me first address that I do not know the dry weight.  My best guess is probably in the 3000-4000 pound class...but I've never actually run it through. My 1/2 ton Chevy Z71 pickup truck pulls it with absolutely no issues whatsoever (over Monarch Pass and others here in Colorado - where 4-barrel engines can barely get without a camper). 


The rotting in the veneer is super common.  We still have a lot of it going on over the overhead bed at the front of the camper.  The whole bathroom was that way and I've actually redone it and used shower panel for the entire interior of the bathroom to resist any further rotting (also had to re-frame that whole corner as the frame work was gone from rot) and I tiled the floor nice (actually tiled the ENTIRE camper on top of the laminate flooring - but the main living quarter always has carpet cut to fit over the tile).  I would suggest getting enough veneer 4'x8' panels to re-do the ENTIRE interior if you are planning on replacing some.  This way it matches when you want to replace more...it will update the look dramatically and if Home Depot ever stops selling that veneer you bought, you aren't back to stage one! 


The manual: I do have it, but it is literally just a piece of paper that tells you how to hook the camper up to your truck and suggestions on how to drive with it hooked up.  They didn't make a service manual for these things...nor a diagram of how everything is routed, etc.  Unfortunately your eye balls are going to be the best manual representation you can find! 


Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions or any good ideas!  I've put a lot of time into this camper and at some point in time I think we are going to either a) convert it into a "cabin" camper on our land for guests (run permanent plumbing and electric), or tear the whole thing down, save the fridge, sink, parts, etc. and re-do the entire thing....that's WAY down the line though!


(a few photos of the new bathroom to come - have to wait for my iPhone to send them to my email!!!)





Thanks Jesse!


Good information--I think I'll be painting the interior, once I replace the veneer, because it's already been half-painted. The remodel is going to be fun, we got lucky that the bathroom area is relatively in tact, and the plumbing and gas have been redone... Will have pics soon, it's a diamond in the rough!




Hi! I'm new here too! Read you and Jesse's Prowler posts and decided to sign up to the site! I own a 1969 Fleet Wood Prowler Travel Trailer! The one I own is the long 2 door model! I purchased it from a friends parents last year and have been refurbishing it ever since! I do have the manual too and it seems to be for a few models! If anyone needs it I can scan it! Things are coming along! If anyone has questions feel free to ask! 





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