Eternabond on corner trim (in addition to standard resealing)?

Hi all - 

Finally, a sunny weekend, so I began to tackle the dreaded corner trim job.  Only dreaded because of the poor soul (as I cursed him or her for hours today) who thought it was a good idea to seal where the butyl had failed with silicone. Actually I lucked out, it turned out there's only eight feet total.  Tomorrow I tackle the last three feet.

Next good weekend I'm going to be removing the insert, trim, and resealing.  So my question is - what do you think of, after cleaning things up and prior to using the butyl, using 2" eternabond down the corners to create an additional (probably permanent barrier?).  I figure worst is that it would peek out a little from under the trim, but might provide some peace of mind.

I saw a video where they used a similar solution (called weatherseal I think but then can't find the product) so thought this might be an alternate option.

Would love opinions!  Also the video is about the only one I can find detailing how to do this project - if anyone spots that he's doing something wrong, or has different advice I'd appreciate it :-)

Tags: corner, eternabond, trim

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Actually the real product isn't that expensive ( just still thinking Eternabond I can use elsewhere...also he doesn't use the butyl tape in the video...

Hi Dawn I really like the corner seal video. It looks like Eternabond but much thinner on the sticky stuff. I don't know where it is sold but I would like to find out. Also the Butyl caulk looks like a lot easier to deal with than the tape.One thing I would tell you is when you pull out your old screws you are likely to find some that are like he showed. I found that the hole was rotted out when the screws looked that bad. I went back with bigger and a bit longer to insure they tightened up. Another thing is it is easy to drive that screw right through the trim. I suggest you use a drill with a clutch adjustment because even when you are cautious you can get distracted and have a senior moment.  Hope some of this is useful for you 

Hi Rich - yes thank you! Very helpful.  In fact it encouraged me as soon as I finished getting the silicone off this morning to dive in and start removing the trim.  I was very heartened to see where the worst of the silicone was, and it was cracked, there was no soft wood.  Yay.  Of course I may find it in other places, but in truth, if it hadn't been for the silicone I wouldn't have thought to repair it - it looks pretty good most of the way up and down as far as the butyl filling the gaps.  It also looked like it had been done more recently - the butyl wasn't dried (it is around some light fixtures I'll be repairing) and the nails weren't rusted.  Some of the screws are decking screws - whoever did it was very serious and everything felt solid taking it out.  However, I really like the idea of the tape and I do need to re-staple so am glad to be doing this.  I do have another question if you have a minute?  My trim is right between 3/4 and 1 inch ... which way do I err?  I've attached a photo - I flattened as much as I could and it's definitely under 1 inch.


From the picture it looks like it's 7/8", if you went with 1" tape it would be a 16th protrusion on each side of the trim. where 3/4" will be under by the same but when you tighten down the striping it would squeeze it out some. then follow up with the butyl or other non silicone caulk like in the video I think would make a nice looking reseal. When I went back with my trim each screw hole got a shot of caulk before I put the screws back in. I thought this would seal the screw hole and help prevent rot. I hope this answers your question.

Good ideas (esp about the caulk when replacing the screws) but still uncertain about the trim bit - I think you are thinking I'm asking about the tape - and I think for that I am looking at 1.5 It's the vinyl insert is what I'm confused about - it apparently comes in 3/4 or 1 inch - if my current vinyl insert is 7/8 then do I order up or down do you think?

Yes I was talking sealing tape . You would want to get the 1" i would think because you want it to hoop up in the middle. and be tight where it goes under the lip. Ill go up and measure my trim and the new filler and let you know sometime tonight what mine is and maybe you can judge from that.

Not sure what you meant by hoop up?  Measuring the trim piece it's approx 2 inch - my fear with the 1 inch tape is I wouldn't have enough grab on either side where I can't fully pull the sides a loss of a quarter in there minimum.  Am I not thinking that through right?

I appreciate you looking at your trim.  I will say looking at the trim this afternoon I'm thinking I can reuse it after cleaning it up - it's not cracked, pliable, in good shape any reason not to?  

I'm just confusing you with my terminology I think. when I say trim I'm talking about the aluminum strip. The vinyl strip that covers the screws goes inside the trim and Is 1" wide I think I referred to it as filler in one of our post; it hoops up when it is installed in the trim to be able to cross over the screw heads and also helps hold it in the trim by expanding outwardly in the grooves of the aluminum trim. when I done the Palace I used my old vinyl and it would constantly work out when the wind caught it just right.  I was constantly having to re install it so I ended up replacing it. I used the 1" vinyl and it looks nice and has not yet come out of the trim. I will take some pictures tomorrow and post them for you.

It had crossed my mind that maybe the vinyl insert wouldn't insert back as stiffly as it might new.  I understand then what you mean by hooping now.  I may just have to make a trip to CW rather than ordering online so I can compare the 1 vs the 3/4 with a piece of my own.

I do like the construction paper idea as it would mimic the tape width.

And I'm still debating the product vs eternabond.  It's certainly a cheaper product but once you add shipping it's almost as much as the eternabond, and I would get full use out of the eternabond.  Decisions, decisions....

Yea this is a conundrum The Eternabond I bought for the palace was pretty thick maybe even as much as an 1/8 of an inch and I think that would make a messy job when you squeeze it out by tightening the trim against it. You can always trim off the excess though and it will seal well. I would do it on a warm day as well making the stuff more pliable.

Yeah, hmmm.  That had crossed my mind, too.  I think I'm going to err on the side of caution and order the product for the job.  I bet I can find some other uses for it...




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