Has anyone tried this idea for a creative/inexpensive vent fan solution?


Neither of my two vents have fans - the bath has a wire already behind the vent garnish which should be no trouble to tap into, while the other in the overhead I could string across the ceiling with a wiremold channel and wire into a light.  There might be a wire behind the framing but haven't tried to see if I can detect one.  I think I could make it look fairly nice although still having to wrap my head around the switching.

Just wondered if anyone had did this and had any thoughts or recommendations?

Tags: electrical, fan, vent

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Now that's an interesting idea - hadn't thought about making a new one... 

Each vent fan is of course framed around it's perimeter which makes getting a wire to it an issue to the lay person. As an RV tech I used a 5 foot long flexible drill bit to push through a pre drilled hole and slid it across the RV ceiling till it hit the wood framing of the vent I was wanting to pull a wire to. then drilled a hole through it the flex bit has a hole on both ends to connect a power wire to and pull it back to the vent. these bits can be bought at Lowes or Home Depot then saved for future wire pulls. The cost about $15 but saves you from doing a half assed looking surface mount wire that cuts down the resale value of your RV. Fishing walls is a little different I used ball type pull chain like you see on pull chains in ceiling fans it finds it's own way down a wall with loose insulation in it. Good luck.


First, that's cool.  Very good information to know.  I'll look for those.

Second, um, hate to admit it out loud but my fan mod is going to be considered half assed anyway :-)  Course I'm not planning on selling my rig anytime soon–and she's not a canned ham where I might be concerned about rehabbing her.  She's just for me to be comfortable.  I will say, I'm kind of surprised I decided to go this way because it is a tad clumsy and I tend to be a perfectionist especially where you see things, but I felt it was necessary to get some air circulation in place and there are a lot of other things I need to spend that money on.  I figure it will get me down the road a year or two, I learned more skills, and then in a couple of years I'll replace them with with fantastic or similar fan units.  

Got the bathroom fan in today so will write up a blog post in a bit so you can see the results (no snickering - I'm proud of my creativity!!)




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