Hi everyone,

So this it, I finally signed up on an RV forum. I decided to go forward and start to be serious about getting one of those 1960s-1970s era Winnebago's. I just love the look of them and I'm tired of being a tire kicker. I tried to search online for one of them but there is not a single one available in Canada at this time that I can find. All website talk about how great the new units are but there is not much information about vintage units. I am looking for a small unit, maximum 24 ft (between 17 and 22 would be a lot closer to what i'm looking for). I have experience fixing boats, (diesel engine, electrical, plumbing, fiberglass) and mobile home (working with wood, re-coating the roof, replacing windows, floor, etc.) so I don't mind putting my hands towork in my future Winnie. We are a couple, no children as of now and I go down in Florida with the rest of the family once a year since... at least 1990. I would like to drive the 22 hours drive in one of those unit with some friends (2x adults and a kid) who usually tag along for that trip and take my time visiting the East Coast and stopping where we want, and the amount of time we want instead of rushing to get to Florida, be extremely tired and scrap the first few days of our vacations just trying to recover from the long trip.

So couple of questions:

- Any idea how much it will cost for a basic running model?

- Where's my best bet to get one?

- Anyone have experience importing such a vehicle in Canada?

- What are the dealbreaker in these units, as in what should I be running away from no matter the price?

- Do they have cruise control? If not can it be installed?

On a side note, I work for a boating equipment distributor. Modern boat and RVs share a lot of parts like 12/120v fridges, toilets, water heaters, fresh and black water tank, propane ovens and electrical equipment. I can get employee discount on these parts.

Tags: D-18, D-20, D-22, F-17, Winnebago

Views: 1895

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First off, welcome to GORV's! As an owner of a mid-eighties Allegro Class A I have to say the Winnies are pretty cool. So you're in Canada but cannot find one as easily. I can understand that, much lower population density so likely the same drop in RV ownership and chance to find one of that vintage. Well the States are replete with old Winnies, gosh I could count about 6 or 7 right now within 20 mins. drive of me. Now condition is another issue....a lot are just sitting there in the owner's yard but you need to knock on the door and ask and that's hard to do up North.

Send out the request and maybe a few of your new friends on here can point you in the right direction, heck maybe even one or two might have one for sale!

Best of Luck!

Hi Julien, finding a Winnebago that old is not going to be easy. I did a quick search of Craigslist and came up with this one. I don't know what it would take for you to get it back to Canada and licensed. This is listed for $5000.


Good luck with your search.

Thanks Russ, I will check it out. I actually found one in Canada... In Victoria, almost 5000km and 4 timezone away! However, the current owner mention a few issues:

"Overall great shape, could use a good cleaning, been sitting a few years. One small leak in roof, easy fix. Everything inside worked last time out, seats 10 no problem and sleeps 6. power inverter. The Last time I was driving it, the upper rad hose was pressuring up and it didn’t want to go full speed(shifted fine) Not sure if the vacuum advance isn’t working (neutral revs have me believe it is working) or the head gasket is gone(no evidence in oil) got no time to fix, easy to work on, needs a battery but can be driven a bit or can possibly fix on site (right candidate)"

Is it worth investigating or do I need to look somewhere else?
Thanks Daniel. I still find it odd that almost none of them are on the web. Here I was starting to think that they were now collectibles and that they were out of reach except if money was no issue. Is there a best place to post a RV requests either here or somewhere else ?

Julien Bertrand,

It took months before one popped up on Craigslist for me. It had been posted for 20 minutes when I called and made an appointment. I hired a mechanic to inspect it and a driver. I had to pay the driver Show Up pay. Prior to this it was a nightmare. One I plopped the check down for a clear title and $375 tow truck. So at the close of business It was disclosed the $375  tow was the hook up delivery was another $1000.00.  I asked how much is the mileage? The dispatch said hang on while I add it up. I cancelled the check when I found there was not a transferable title.

The "Better Half" and I had to sleep in our vehicle, as to be the first in line at vehicle registration. Ran the VIN, Low and behold it was reported stolen. It was a disagreement over a mechanic's lien by none other than the same towing company. Got to the bank in time. 

This was my learning curve. Saw several more. Like you when the damage was that bad, I didnt even ask for the titles, thanks not interested.

So when I found mine I told the seller, send a picture of the title. Next morning I ran it through registration it came back clear so I bought the temporary Texas plate. On inspection the mechanic said good the go. The driver buckled up and I followed behind with fingers crossed for 50 miles but made it.

Now I am pricing upgrades and prioritizing purchases. Still havent decided whether to keep it or flip it. Kinda want to keep it, turns out it was a special order. Or with 32,000 miles "Flip IT!"    



1973 Winnebago https://allentown.craigslist.org/rvs/d/for-sale-winnebago-chieftain...
1971 winnebago https://lancaster.craigslist.org/rvs/d/1971-winnebago/6511825804.html
1972 Winnebago https://baltimore.craigslist.org/rvs/d/1972-winnebago-chieftain/647...
1972 Winnebago https://richmond.craigslist.org/rvs/d/1972-winnebago-indian/6535199...
1976 Dodge 360 Motor out of a Winnebago. https://raleigh.craigslist.org/pts/d/360-dodge-motor/6534778581.html
1972 Winnebago https://charlotte.craigslist.org/rvs/d/1972-winnebago-brave-20-ft/6...
1972 Winnebago https://winstonsalem.craigslist.org/rvs/d/1972-winnebago-brave-eyeb...
197I Winnebago https://winstonsalem.craigslist.org/rvs/d/2-winnebago-and-chevy-van...
1973 Winnebago https://asheville.craigslist.org/pts/d/1973-winnebago-motor-home/64...
1974 Winnebago https://stlouis.craigslist.org/bar/d/1974-winnebago-brave-21-trade/...
1973 Winnebago https://kansascity.craigslist.org/rvs/d/73-winnebago/6528338707.html
1973 winnebago https://quadcities.craigslist.org/rvs/d/1973-winnebago/6528206427.html
1973 Winnebago https://stlouis.craigslist.org/rvs/d/original-1973-winnebago-brave/...
1976 Winnebago https://maine.craigslist.org/rvs/d/1976-winnebago-chief/6512776548....
1973 Winnebago https://boston.craigslist.org/nwb/clt/d/winnebago-chieftain-diecast...
4 MICHELIN RV/TRUCK TIRES 255/70R22.5 https://nh.craigslist.org/wto/d/4-michelin-rv-truck-tiresr225/64992...
1977 Winnebago https://tampa.craigslist.org/pnl/pts/d/1977-winnebago/6528678322.html
1972 Winnebago https://memphis.craigslist.org/rvs/d/1972-winnebago-brave/651390676...
1970's winnebago radiator https://waco.craigslist.org/rvs/d/1970s-winnebago-radiator/65339870... (254) 652-6527
1973 Winnebago https://fortcollins.craigslist.org/rvs/d/1973-winnebago-for-parts/6...
1973 winnebago https://cosprings.craigslist.org/rvs/d/1973-d20-winnebago-brave/651...
1975 Winnebago https://boulder.craigslist.org/rvs/d/1975-fuel-injected-winnebago/6...
1976 Winniebago https://odessa.craigslist.org/rvs/d/brave-winniebago/6508866136.html
1970 Winnebago https://palmsprings.craigslist.org/cto/d/1970-winnebago-brave-parts...
1976 Winnebago https://ventura.craigslist.org/rvs/d/1976-winnebago-brave-26rt/6528...
1967 winnebago https://inlandempire.craigslist.org/rvs/d/winnebago/6534144749.html
1972 Winnebago https://losangeles.craigslist.org/sgv/rvs/d/1972-winnebago-chieftai...
1971 Winnebago https://sandiego.craigslist.org/csd/rvs/d/winnebagorebuilt-318-moto...
1971 Winnebago https://lasvegas.craigslist.org/cto/d/1971-dodge-motorhome-with-big...
1976 Winnebago https://inlandempire.craigslist.org/rvs/d/1976-winnebago-chieftain/...
1974 Winnebago https://sfbay.craigslist.org/scz/rvs/d/1974-winnebago-brave-d21/653...
1975 Winnebago https://sacramento.craigslist.org/rvs/d/breaking-bad-winnegabo/6527...
1971 Winnebago https://medford.craigslist.org/rvs/d/1971-winnebago-brave/652450818...
1975 winnebago https://reno.craigslist.org/bar/d/1975-winnebago-motorhome-low/6510...
1969 winnebago https://medford.craigslist.org/rvs/d/1969-winnebago/6510219312.html
1972 winnebago https://reno.craigslist.org/rvs/d/1972-winnebago-72k-mi-fix/6491099...

I think it worked

Wow, that's a pretty large and complete list, too bad none of them are near me.


I found a second one for sale. Spoke to the owner by email and it looked not bad. Unfortunately, it is too long for my driveway. If anyone is interested, it is a running Chieftain 26' that was gutted, rot removed and wood replaced but the guy changed his mind when it was time to rebuild. It is in Alberta, Canada. It is at 1000$ CAD so between 700-800$ US.

Something in your last email kinda stuck out for me. You mentioned that a '26 rig is "too long for your driveway". Ummmm.... if you don't have room to park this RV I don't know how getting a 21' or so one will improve what sounds like a lack of available space. Then put trying to restore it on top of that.... hope you have a place other than the driveway to work on this....

It has to do with the municipal law, Only 25ft and less RVs are allowed to be parked in residential driveways. Larger then that, it is required to be parked on a commercial lot.

OMG. That's terrible! Talk about your local laws there! Sorry to hear that. We have similar ones where I am but it mostly deals with abandoned vehicles being on your lot or driveway to get rid of the neighborhood hack repair shops....

The search continues!




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