Greetings all, I just some bad news about the generator in our 87 Southwind.  The generator portion of the generator is fried and it will cost over $5000 to fix if they cna find all the parts.  I am wondering if anyone out there has a line on a used 6.5KW or even as low as a 5KW generator that will fit in my MH.  I know this is a long shot, but we don't have $5-6000 laying around for a new one or to fix this one even if all the parts were available.

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I have been looking for a small one for mine and was on E-Bay yesterday looking around.I saw quite a few on there but not sure of the size's as I was looking for much smaller ones. Also done a Creig's List search  of my area (S-E Ohio) and saw a few. some looked really nice but with any thing used it's a pig in a poke unless it comes with a guarantee. If you find one make sure it's load tested. good luck.......Rich 

  I see Onans for sale every so often either on Craigs List or E Bay and typical sizes and prices are 4KW around $400 to $500 depending on condition, but I dont see many 6.5 KW units. The ads I like are where they say you can hear them run and plug a load into them and see it operate THATS THE KIND TO FIND!! However, you see plenty of them UNTIL YOU NEED ONE and then there are none to be found grrrrrrrrrrrr Many Onans will fit into your RV space, be sure and make some measurements. GOOD LUCK

PS many of the RV Forums and the Forum "Smokestack" have them for sale

 John T

 John T

  Pat, as I'm sure you know, a 4KW has no problem powering a single roof air, I've even had 2.5's that would do that. Now if you wanted to run the AC (especially two) and a Microwave and Coffee Maker and say the little woman plugged in her hair dryer or toaster all at the same time NOW, OF COURSE, YOURE TALKIN A 6.5KW.

 Unless a person just had to run two AC's at the same time, I wouldn't hesitate sticking a more common, cheaper, more readily available 4 KW in there, unless you found a good working exact 6.5KW replacement.

 Main thing as I said before, if you can buy one you can hear run while its powering a good load you have a much better chance of getting a good one. Sometimes Voltage Regulators or other expensive circuitry fails on older units that may sit there n run just fine but will NOT power a load grrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

 FWIW I don't like those so called "Microquiet" (Yeah Right) 4 KW single cylinder screaming 3600 RPM units (and their $400 sealed control boards that fail grrrrrrrr), I much prefer the older TWO Cylinder 1800 RPM much quieter Gensets but they are getting old ...............Keep good clean well filtered fuel to them and keep the carbs and their needle valves n seat from gumming and varnishing or sticking and you get good service.

 John T

We have dual air conditioners,and they both can run with the genny running, bot only 1 at a time when hooked to shore power.

  Russell,     "We have dual air conditioners,and they both can run with the genny running, bot only 1 at a time when hooked to shore power."

1)  So is your RV's power cord a 120 Volt 30 amp (2 Pole 3 Wire Grounding, NEMA TT- 30P) or a 50 amp (3 Pole 4 Wire Grounding)????

2) Do you want the capacity to run BOTH AC's (5.5+ KW probably gets you by) or would you be satisfied to run only one AC (4 KW gets you by with room to spare)

 Often for a larger RV that can run two AC's at the same time it is equipped with a 50 amp plug whereby one unit runs on one leg of 120 VAC and the other unit the other leg of 120 VAC    but you probably already know all that, just talking for benefit of some who may not.

 John T

We have 30 amp 2 pole 3 wire power cord.  Running both airs is not really necessary but it is nice on hot days to cool the mh quicker.  If 5.5KW will run both airs then I will be satisfied, because we generally run just one air but need capacity for microwave and residential fridges also.

Mine's set up the same way, but I ususally only run the generator when I want to run both A/C units. But I spend most of my time at campgrounds plugged in. So - how much you want to invest in a replacement generator depends on how you'll be using it. If you'll be dry camping a lot then you're going to want one that has enough juice to power both. But, if you'll be plugged in most of the time you can wire up the 2nd A/C unit to plug into the 20 amp part of a 30/20 amp pedestal at the campground. It's on my to-do list....

Sometimes those bad gen heads can be rebuilt - maybe look into that?

We dry camp a lot, and with that crummy residential fridge the generator has to run all the time, even while we are on the road.  Residential may be the fridge of choice for replacing standard RV fridges, but it is on my future to do list to replace it with one that runs on propane/120 volt.  In all our years of having TTs we never had a single problem with the standard RV fridges.  Maybe I will get bit from converting back, but I am willing to give it a go because it will better match our rv life style.

You could also go solar/inverter to power that fridge and maybe reduce the dependency on the genny. A lot of the newer rigs are all electric with big inverters (but also big inverter-type generators) You need a lot of battery capacity to do it. What's happened to yours is my biggest fear with mine. The generator is a huge part of the "self contained" equation. I love my 30-year-old rig but would be faced with a pretty tough decision if the genny were to fail (furiously knocking on wood right now). 

For us that decision is easy.  Our Southwind is exactly what we want and unless it burns to the ground, or some other major disaster putting money into it is not a problem.  Having a new or newer one might be nice, but it is not something we are going to do unless ours turns into a total loss.  We know that we could never sell it for what we have into it, but that is not the point, keeping it in top shape is our priority.

I have found several on craigs list and on eBay but once you have parted with the money you are stuck if the generator does not live up to the seller's statements. I have found a 5.5KW for $2800 from a reputable RV salvage yard so I guess I will go with that instead of trying to find a good 6.5KW that I currently have.

Thank you all for your help and advice.

I already replied to this once but I feel bad about you guys and the luck you are having lately. between your furnace, starter debacle, and tow dolly tires I wish there was more I could do. I did go back to E-Bay and they do have some Onan gen sets in the 6-8 range. some are buy it now but most are bid. they do have a great deal of parts on there as well, I just typed in Onan generators all departments and got over 2000 results. I know it's not much help but I'll keep my eyes open for you.  




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