I am going to try and restore a 1976 Couchman motor home.   It has water damage. My question is how much of the paneling and/or 2x2 studding can I remove at the same time without the shell collapsing. I want to remove all paneling replace damaged studs and rewire and re insulate. Also should I use rmax R-5 3/4" foam board doubled between studs. I can't find 1 1/2" think local.

Also any suggestions for lighting will be greatly appreciated. I was thinking 12v led dome style with hub so they could be controlled by phone or keypad. We used 2700K at home we like the white bright color, 

My question is how many, where locate and what K to use. any other help or suggestions would be great.

I know there are probably videos on here about the questions but so far I have not found them but I have seen some great and helpful videos and I thank all those that have done them.

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