In the next few weeks I've made the decision to pull the BFA 4.0 genset from the Allegro and get it into the workshop. Too many past splices to the wiring, the remote panel works half the time, now the relays are not working and the starter solenoid housing is cracked open. Too much money to get a new set, so I've sourced the parts (including the NLA relays!) and will adapt some newer ones (maybe harness, maybe the remote panel if I can't get the original "deluxe" one working).

So, once I do this I'll be posting up and sharing all the info I have on this series of Allegro (1980's) gensets for the P30 rigs. Wiring diagrams, my personal copies of manuals and links for ones on-line, videos and more. I do have a blog/website and youtube channel which I'll share with all the folks as well. is the website/blog.

It's been a big decision to do this but it needs to be done along with fixing the furnace and re-troubleshooting the Dometic fridge. Lot's to do before the trips in 2018!!!


Views: 114

Replies to This Discussion

Good morning, Daniel;  

     A nice idea.  Perhaps with some photographs for the people also?  

     When I see what you have posted for the manuals, I can look in my files and see if there is anything I can contribute to you for inclusion in your files.  I do have some information, and I admit that it i  mainly for my own Onan Emerald III NHE 6.5 KW from about April or May of 1987, and it is either a Spec B or Spec C.  A frustrated previous owner pried off the Onan serial number label so he could take it into the Onan parts people to get the part he needed, and he did not reattach the label back onto the sheet metal.  It took a lot of work and hunting to determine that mine is either a Spec B or a Spec C.  

     Yes, all the stories we have heard from other people about the frustration about not being able to get anything from the Cummins people if you do not have the serial number for your Onan generator really are true.  

     One friend who just got a Fleetwood Bounder from the estate of the previous owner has accepted that his motor home does not have a generator.  The partial collection of parts is in a fairly large box, but the box does not include the sheet metal pieces where the Onan serial number plate should be attached.  I only think that it is a 4,000 Watt BGA, but it could be something else.  

     Onan generators without the serial number really are a trial for getting any parts for them.  And after looking at an Onan Parts List, I can understand why the Onan parts guys insist that we have the serial number.   Onan did not help their mechanics or their parts people with their practice of buying a new and different batch of parts for their next production run from whoever was selling something that would fit for the lowest possible cost to Onan.  



          Latte Land, Washington  

Hi Ralph!

Yes, I'll be posting up pictures and agree that the BIGest challenge is getting those numbers. So many changes over even the same model year for Onan that it's really confusing. I'll put them up here and give links to the channel and site in case others want a more detailed version of the effort.


Okay folks! I finished up the Onan refresh and videos are on up the UTube channel found here in the link:

Onan BFA 4.0 Genset Refresh

Also will be posting up pics on the site as well.




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