Who We Are:
Cross Country Family Vintage + Rv Club Mobilizing Visually Impaired, Blind - Handicapped ®.
Was born in Spring 2015 to encourage family traveling for people with a wide range of disabilities. The CCFVRC encourages people with disabilities and their families to get involved and travel.
Who are eager to meet exciting like-minded people to actively participate and share in the recreational fun at camp grounds and the National Forest nation wide, and sharing our stories, knowledge, talents and information on making recreational vintage and newer model vehicles accessible for the visually impaired, blind and handicapped.
Our Motto
The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new lands but in experiencing the natural beauty of America and all of her awe-inspiring splendor.
We currently have members of all ages, disabilities, and as well as able-bodied individuals, some full time and part time campers. We’re looking forward to our brand “NEW” Braille and Large print newsletter (s) to be updated and published mid summer and/or early Fall.
We have local get-togethers and are seeking new campground sponsors and financial donations for our annual rally as well as an occasional regional rally. The annual rally rotates among various Campgrounds and National Forests and Parks around our beautiful country.
How & Why
We Formed Our Club:
It was a mild Spring evening back in March 2015 in the back woods of N. Florida. My beloved wife, and I and two very dear to us disabled “Veteran” couples one from Arkansas and the other upper Utah who have since passed away bless their hearts, souls and fervent inspiration.
These couples had received so much inspiration and emotional therapy from travel and associations with fellow campers, “with various disabilities”.
That we all made a conscious decision around the old campfire with the smell of fresh air and yes a few mosquitoes were buzzing, so we decided to form a realistic club. Which in turn would encourage other handicapped people from all over America to travel, to meet, have fun and to exchange their personal stories and ideas.
Who Can - How To - And Why Join:
The original plan was for: A club of families where at least one person was Visually Impaired, Blind and/or Handicapped.
But when able-bodied individuals and families asked to join, because they approved and were so excited about the idea they eagerly wanted to become members and help. The membership was opened to both disabled and non-disabled. All active members have equal membership privileges and the right to thrive and have fun.
There are no territorial boundaries, no limitations as to age, disability, color, marital status, race, religion, or political beliefs. The CCFVRC is a full non-discriminative club! However, to receive the most benefits join us today and actively participate in exploring America and all she has to offer.
Location: Monticello, Florida
Members: 3
Latest Activity: Jun 22, 2017
We know there are many proud FAN camper owners and other vintage owners whom are looking for a place to belong and our newest club which is ever growing is the place for you and your families. Our goal is to hold a state wide rally in the coming future, focused solely on fun, education and sharing our vast experiences, and of course to show our camper/travel trailers off. As we all know restoration of any vintage camper is no easy feat and it can be very costly but in the end seeing the finished project and the joy it brings far out weighs the hard work and long hours put into a project most folks would not waste their time or monies on. Yes each of us are a rare breed of individual with a love and passion for the classics.
We hope to soon be able to provide camp ground large print, recorded and braille books listing all the friendly camp grounds in the United State. Because we feel it is important to provide these things because one there is nothing out there for people like us any where on the market or on line.
We also hope in the near future to partner with camp grounds so by becoming a member you will be able to get good deal's and not just at the camp site, but that will be shared with you all at a later time. So if your looking for a club of folks just like yourself who loves the great out doors then here is the place for you. AND YES we do accept all types of vintage campers. RV's, pop ups, 5th wheel's dated from 1900 - - 1980. And best of all right now there is no charge for membership for those who belong to
"Good Old RV's" if your interest contact us. Members receive one T shirt and a decal for their camper.
This group does not have any discussions yet.
If you love classic and vintage RVs then come Join us. Come on in and have some fun. JOIN HERE NOW
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-CLASS C FULL Frame off Restoration by Kevin Crowley
-Kerry Malseed's 1947 Flxible Clipper Bus Restoration
-Kevin's Wildcat Trailer Frame Up Restoration & Materials Used
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-Understanding Brake Controllers
Blogs, Posts and Other things We like to Follow....
Vintage Travel Trailers, Vintage Campers, Camper Restoration, Bus Conversions, Vintage RV Forums, Old RVs, Tiny Homes, Boondocking
A work of art by member Paige Bridges
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© 2025 Created by Jimco_W001.
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