Jan P. Wier


Laurel, DE

United States

Profile Information:

You And RVing
Part Time RVer
City and State where you are located. Do not use zip code, you know what it means but it means nothing to the rest of us.
Laurel, De.
Tell us a little About Yourself
Wife and I have 2 Avions and 1 Argosy all vintage trailers that we and the family all use, we are also looking at another vintage trailer.

Comment Wall:

  • Gary Sebastian

    Welcome Jan, I can tell you know how to have fun. Post some pictures of your vintage trailers sometime. Hope your health improves. Happy camping, Gary

  • Donna & Jim Frederick

    Welcome aboard.  DH and I host a Christmas Campout here in the panhandle of FL.  We are planning our third year.  We have a great time doing it.  I hope your health improves.  I also have been camping all my life.  My mom was camping the day I was due.  Hope to see some pics.  We are proud owners of 1960 Yellowstone (Booboo) and 1973 Play Pac ( the pic a nic basket).  We also have 1955 Chevy truck  ( Yogi).  I got pics.