Jenon Janelli

Profile Information:

You And RVing
Part Time RVer
City and State where you are located. Do not use zip code, you know what it means but it means nothing to the rest of us.
Lebanon TN
Tell us a little About Yourself
I am restoring a 1969 Dodge Islander

Comment Wall:

  • Gary Sebastian

    Jenon, I have some good news for you. I spoke with my dad yesterday about your windshields. He went to the Islander factory in California back in 69 and they showed him around when he bought the one I have. He remembers them telling him that the windshields were originally made for Mack Trucks and they made the Islander molds to fit those. He suggested searching for pre 69 Mack truck windshields. Also I may have some brochures from those days. If you are still unable to locate them I will still consider selling you mine.  Gary

  • Gary Sebastian

    Hi Jenon, I talked to him last night and he does not recall what model they are from. I would suggest you take a large piece of paper and trace the pattern of the glass, take measurements and put those on the pattern and print pics of the winshields from front and side. Send all of that to the glass company and see if they can match it up. I researched the old Macks as well and they had flat windshields on the early models, then went to curved in the 60's. The Cab over models with a flat front (no Hood or nose over the engine) looks like the right one to me. They had one called a "Day Cab" that looks like a match. I will probably be at my Islander next weekend and will take pics all around and inside too. I know the dinette booth and table are still there and I thinks they are OK. I will let you know. Thanks, Gary