Amanda Day

Profile Information:

You And RVing
Part Time RVer
City and State where you are located. Do not use zip code, you know what it means but it means nothing to the rest of us.
Bowling Green, KY
Tell us a little About Yourself
Single older mom of 3 special needs (autism and a host of other challenges) kids, I have an '87 Champion Telstar, 27 footer...drove/camped through 18 states on the Eastern side of the US during a month long road trip with the kids this summer (2012) ...quite an experience..the old gal (the motorhome, not me..although I may need some repairs/upgrades did a great job despite some challenging issues along the way...I am a nurse, full time mom, I homeschool my children, enjoy cooking, reading, outside activities...and simply love, love, love traveling and camping. After battling brain tumors and other health issues a couple of years ago (and continuing to face health challenges), I take each and every day as a great oppotunity to live life to the fullest!!

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  • Sam Green

    I believe that you should have a fiberglass coach.  The bottom 18 inches or so are probably aluminum.  When you see fiberglass without paint, it would resemble pressed wood a lot.  Took our granddaughter camping once, mommy and her siblings were with us.  She is more or less a loner and will wander away if not being watched closely, not much of a talker.  Was real slow to talk as a baby but finally came around, she can talk now when she wants too.  She is a real sweetie (as are all of our grandchildren.)  By the way, we have 6 grandchildren and 6 great-grandchildren.  She is one of the greats.  I am no RV expert but feel free to ask all of the questions you have, there are many experts in this group and I am sure that you will get good answers.


    I hope to have mine painted and road ready by the end of August..Next will be the sanding like sam Green did to his..I plan on doing the same paint style that he used..

  • The Spencer's

    Hi Amanda! We just joined as we bought a 1984 Transtar about a month ago up here in Alaska. It's been a real character for us - We're finding out what works and doesn't, and most of it works! I think it sat for a few years since it's last owner. It's good to find a place like this where we can go for some insight on things when we're totally lost!