Marsha M. Spears


Little Rock, AR

United States

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Part Time RVer
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Little Rock, AR
Tell us a little About Yourself
I have coveted a Toyota Chinook since I first saw them in the mid-70s. Small, cozy, convenient, easy on the gas/petrol/diesel and able to park in a standard other words, perfect in every way. Currently, there are comparable RVs being made in Europe, particularly the Citroen Romahome. Oh, yeah, about me...sister, daughter, best friend, aunt, elementary teacher, gran to two terrific girls, travel to UK every summer, not too far from retirement, "square peg", independent......
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  • tom flynn

    Hi Marsha,Romahomes are very small,no shower space,and generally pricey.I had a Auto Sleeper.Nice can park in a standard space but still plenty of room aboard.Insurance can be had,expensive.Go on line for a quote.I did what they call wild parking.I would just find a spot and park.Never had a problem.They are pretty RV friendly over there.If you have more questions give me a call 206-817-2909 or email me

  • tom flynn

    Google Autosleeper or UK motorhomes,you will get plenty of info

  • tom flynn

    Check out Hymers also.Quality German RV's