tom flynn

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You And RVing
Part Time RVer
City and State where you are located. Do not use zip code, you know what it means but it means nothing to the rest of us.
long island ny
Tell us a little About Yourself
Owned a 1973 Starcraft Star Cruiser,went all over the country with it.Caught loss.If anyone has or knows of one for sale contact me please.206-817-2909.Traveled all over Europe in a British RV for a year.Loved it.Plan on going back for more.I have a 1989 Ford ambulance now that I converted to a motorhome

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  • Gary Sebastian

    That sounds like my kind of adventure. Don't know of any Glastrons available right now but they show up occasionally. If I here of one I will let you know.

  • Marsha M. Spears

    Just what I wanted to know.....I want to purchase a Citroen Romahome from ebay in Scotland (or, in a pinch, England) so I will have lodging and transport while I am in Scotland every summer. How did you manage such things as parking while you are not using it? The MOT? Insurance? All of the other details that make my head spin when I begin researching it?

  • Marsha M. Spears

    Thank you for your valuable feedback. An Auto Sleeper sounds like an option on which I need more information?  Could you be more specific?