Jan P. Wier


Laurel, DE

United States

Profile Information:

You And RVing
Part Time RVer
City and State where you are located. Do not use zip code, you know what it means but it means nothing to the rest of us.
Laurel, De.
Tell us a little About Yourself
Wife and I have 2 Avions and 1 Argosy all vintage trailers that we and the family all use, we are also looking at another vintage trailer.

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  • Olivia Reep

    Thanks Jan!  That is so sweet of you!  We have really enjoyed our 3 trips so far and look forward to many more years of camping.  One thing I noticed is that everyone is so friendly!!  I just love it!!!

  • Patty Perone

    Thanks Jan!  I will check it out.  We are looking for a RV not much longer than a 24 footer, but who knows when the right one comes along......  Appreciate you thinking of me.  

  • Nncy Davis

    Jan,thank you but I am in SC.and I have no way to come get it