Welcome to Good Old RV, U are looking for a vintage rv, but don't know how far u want to go to get one but here is one worth looking at. Its on Del. Eastren Shoer Craigslist, date Tues. Sept. 4th. Posting ID. # 2350278531 Its a 1973 Starcraft 28 ft. $650.00 302-344-4256. Just a thought if it will help out. happy hunting, Jan Wier
Jan P. Wier
Welcome to Good Old RV, U are looking for a vintage rv, but don't know how far u want to go to get one but here is one worth looking at. Its on Del. Eastren Shoer Craigslist, date Tues. Sept. 4th. Posting ID. # 2350278531 Its a 1973 Starcraft 28 ft. $650.00 302-344-4256. Just a thought if it will help out. happy hunting, Jan Wier
Sep 6, 2012