Pablo M. Rodriguez


Grand Prairie, TX

United States

Profile Information:

You And RVing
Part Time RVer
City and State where you are located. Do not use zip code, you know what it means but it means nothing to the rest of us.
Grand Prairie, TX
Tell us a little About Yourself
Just bought a 76 Flatnose Revcon. Wanted to share ideas and projects.
Anti-spam question: 4 plus 1 equals what?

Comment Wall:

  • Incurablescrounge

    Hi Pablo, another Revconeer here! I have a 1985 King 33. I am not here ofter but now maybe I will hang out more.
  • FrannyLee

    Hi Pablo,

    How cool are these, eh?

    Mine runs, but I may be needing a left rear brake drum. Bummer cause I have to leave it at the shop for a few days since they have no idea what to order. 

    One thing I wish was an easy fix would be to ad some insulation! 

    I wonder if anyone here has done an insulation project. Sort of difficult with double aluminum walls! 

  • FrannyLee

    I have finally found the perfect mechanic plus to help me put this on the road but have so little info for him when he has questions. Like he is wondering about how the engine/110 water heater is set up.