Wichita, KS

United States

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Wichita Kansas
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We have just purchased our 1976 Chevyvan 30 motorhome. It is in good shape and just needs a few repairs and some TLC. We bought it to take our 3 1/2 year old granddaughter camping in. We can't wait to get started.

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  • William Briggs

  • William Briggs

    There are three Oklahoma state parks, along the western half of the Kansas/Oklahoma border. All would be reasonably near you. All would be family-friendly. Little Sahara S.P., Alabaster Caverns S.P., and Great Salt Plains S.P.

  • martin vasquez

    hi you all,I'm so sorry i haven't had anytime to respond to everyone,if it wasn't work,it was the passing of my father,he was 88yrs and that sneekie old cancer took his life,h was a ww2 POW in the bataan death march,please keep mom in prayers,thanks to all RVers    martin