buzz mahan

Profile Information:

You And RVing
Part Time RVer
City and State where you are located. Do not use zip code, you know what it means but it means nothing to the rest of us.
Farnham Va.
Tell us a little About Yourself
Married 36 yrs. 2 children. Mechanical, like restoring vintage mechanical items / tractors/ hit miss engines/ automobiles. Worked for general motors dealership for years, power boat mechanic for years, municipal utilities .

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  • luis m corona

    Hello Buzz, while searching for other Telstar Champion owners, i came across your renovation post and I must tell you that your work is excellent!!....We love the flooring and vents trim and refrigerator doors trim. I wonder if you can share if you took out the sink cabinetry and the bench seats to  extend the flooring under these?...How about the bathroom, did you extend the floor in there too?. We have an '89 and had thought of doing the floors like you did, but wondered how difficult it might be......ours if carpeted and looks much like yours without the floor. and this past winter we had some water leakage that damaged the wood paneling walls in the coach, so we might have to replace those too at some point. Ours came with the original books, so it's really good for informational purposes. Did you ever find out what the rocker switch next to the bed was for?

  • luis m corona

    Hey Buzz, Ours also has the rocker switch, like yours. I determined that I had a couple of bad light bulbs including the one above the bed, however after changing that one, it still didn't work. I do think it's purpose is to activate that light as there is no way to turn it on other than that, I assume this because the other two rocker switches have that purpose, (when I turn the one in front all the lights except the back one turn on). I think the bulb holder might be bad and needs replacing, but it is a bit hard to get to, I also have a bad unit above the dinette table that I will try to replace. It is a work in progress, I had to replace the water tank pump as it was bad and recently replaced the plunger valve on the side of the toilet as it started leaking during a trip to the lake....these have been simple fixes though. Thanks for your response to my questions. I wanted to send you a friend request, you ok with that?

  • buzz mahan

    Luis, Ours is also a work in progress. Has been for over 2 yrs. now. Always thinking of upgrades i would like to do but haven't had time. When i first purchased the RV it had been setting for awhile in a carport and no longer being used due to widow of owner had no more use for it. I actually drove it home from 100+ miles away. Then i got it home and worked on it as time and money has allowed. Besides the interior and exterior work i have done a lot of mechanical work in hopes of making it reliable. Here are a few things i have done:

    Replaced rubber gas hoses with ethanol resistant hoses, new fuel pump, new marine spin-on gas filter assembly (removed small one from carburetor). All new water hoses, new water pump, new belts, new tune up, new smoke pump filters, new manifold a.i.r tubes, rebuilt the carb. and installed heavy duty copper/brass float, new air filters, changed trans. fluid and strainer, installed all new u-joints and hanger bearing assembly, pulled rear wheels checked inner outer brgs, installed new grease seals, new wheel cylinders, new brake shoes (due to leaking wheel cylinder), new house and engine batteries both with disconnects added, pulled alternator and checked bearings and brushes, replaced all seven 16.5 wheels with seven 16" from dually truck, 7 new Firestone tires, packed front wheel bearings, changed AC to 134A with new dryer, orifice tube etc..rebuilt toilet as you did also. Many more small items but too much to list as far as mechanical.....  Hope i haven't bored you, but just wanted to remember myself why it is taking so long......  Having a great time doing the work on it and hope to do more. Hope to also get to use it more but hard to get the time right now.