Talking with another long time RV'er, He asked me how do I get 2 trucks and 2 trailers moved from point A to point B, by myself ?.

I thought I would share my *trade secret. :-)  DISCLAIMER***

This is only for the seasoned RV'er. and info on how I manage to move my equiptment around.


I take ole Red, My Dodge 3500 and back it up to the front end of my Dodge 1500 truck. (I have a 12,000 lb winch on the back of ole red). I get out my 4 foot steel pipe and u-bolt anchor it to the headache rack on the 1500. I then take the winch cable and take the hook off the end and feed the cable through the pipe,and reconnect the hook back on the cable.I then roll my Pup trailer (which carries misc stuff) up to the back of the 1500. I then take my 2 aluminum loading ramps and set them up onto the tail end of the 1500. I connect the winch hook to the safety chains of the pup trailer and using the winch remote I slowly start pulling the pup trailer up onto the back end of the 1500 truck till the wheels of the pup trailer are just inside the side rails and I can close the tailgate. I have a ball hitch mounted on the tool box that I drop the pup trailer tongue onto and secure it. I release the winch cable and remove the hook and pull the cable back through the steel pipe and wind the cable back up on the winch and then reconnect the hook. I remove the steel pipe and store it in the back of the 1500 truck. I then take safety straps (called truckers straps) and I secure the pup trailer in the bed of the 1500. I then put loading ramps in the back bed of the 1500 and secure them down.

I then take the 1500 and back it up to the rear of the 5th wheel trailer and I hook up the tow bar.After the tow bar is securely attached to the rear trailer hitch, I run my magnetic lights and wire and plug into the pigtail off the trailer. I then crawl under the 1500 truck and remove the U-joint bolts on the drive shaft and I leave drive shaft in the tail of the transmission and swing the drive shaft up to bottom of truck and secure it with a chain and strap that I had previously installed to hold the shaft in place while traveling. I crawl back out and secure the safety chains I have from the frame of truck to the main frame of the trailer, (just behind the rear wheels). and hang the slack with bungee cord to hold it up from swinging. I then get Ole Red,the 3500 and back up under the hitch and lock in the king pin and secure it along with the breakaway switch cable. I plug in the RV trailer cord and the magnetic light plug into the couplers.I then finish up with plugging in the camera cords to the main harness to the video monitor. I start Ole red back up and do a full light check using emergency flashers to check brake light function. I make sure all running and clearance lights along with turn signals are working properly. I turn the power on to the cameras and adjust them if need be.. I go back to the 1500 and turn the key foreward to unlock the steering and close the truck up. Then make sure I have removed all the wheel chocks and secure them away.  I then,,, Get myself buckled in, double check my blind spots and throttle up and hit the pavement.

Usually after leaving the RV park I will cruise easily for a couple miles then pull off in a safe area or fuel station, if there is room, and do another walk around, checking the tires and connections and a good over-all secondary pre-check.

( I had removed the water hose and shore power cords prior to hooking everything up). And yes,, I went up on top of 5th wheel to make sure antennea is down and nothing is loose up top.

So now I'm ready to hit some serious black top and white lines, and that my friend is serious, Training with double doubles.

1 driver, 2 trucks, 2 trailers. and still under 52 feet. (ok, it's 51 foot 10 3/4 inches in length ).

Just a safety note,,,,,,,, Don't just go out and try this on a first time run. It may sound pretty easy in concept, But it takes practice,practice and more practice. I have learned with trial and error with my arrangements when pulling doubles and even triples, and be aware of local laws and state and federal laws as to what is allowed and not allowed. And Always,,(I can never stress this enough) Always be extra safe,Take the extra measures to ensure,not only your safe but the safety of others on the roadway also.

And with that, I wish you all a happy trip and remember,,never drive faster then your angels can fly. L.K.

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