Ive repaired and refurbished Old,new and inbetween Rv's and after careful thought, I have determined that older RV's were built at least 70% better then whats on the market now. Yea, sure the newer Rv's have ammemities and bells and whistles and doo dads that make some, rolling mansions. To me, Camping is just that, To get away for a weekend or a week or maybe 2,, and NOT taking a rolling 4 bedroom house with the 90 inch flat screen tv's and such, (excluding full timers,,no offense intended). Camping is just that. Some much needed R&R away from the hustle and bustle of everyday hum drum of dragging into work, pushing the pencils and such.

(ok, sorry, got off track). Back to the Older RV's,  They were built to LAST, seriously. Craftsmanship and that finishing touch. Some are just basic with a hand pump and a sink and maybe a stove. Some have more ammemities, Stove,oven,micro,double sink bath and shower, just to name a few.

Sure,, we go out and find that diamond in the rough,,,an older rig sittin in the field, long and forgotten about, the kids grew up and went to college and life went on. And of course with the lack of preventative maintenance the old rig succombed to the elements of the weather.

Water damage from a cracked sun dried vent,carpenter ants and a local rodent. We go out and drag the classic home, put our gloves on and commence to repair/rebuild it to its once great statute.

We don't panic about the cost,,, it's in our blood to revive something back to life,, relive the GOOD OLE DAYS. The older rigs were very simple in basic construction,, basically just the basics were needed.

And you have to admit,,, somewhere,where in the back where the old dusty brain cells sit, We see an old 50's or 60's and even 70's Rv brought back to its glory and we can't help but to think of OLE route 66 and cruising Americas highway to some forgotten spot on the map.

When my kids were young,, we would pack up the ole RV and maybe head to local campground or some historical landmark or maybe a lake and spend a weekend,, and sometimes a whole week, (that was if I could get in vacation time). It wasnt very often, but when we did, it was a good time for the family to bond and catch up on what we have missed in the every day buisness of work and school etc. Sitting around a simple campfire, sipping sun tea and roasting marshmellows and laughing and joking. (My 2 girls were 3 and 6) and teaching them how basic life was back in the olden olden days, (as they call it). Teaching them how to string a line on a tree branch pole and fishing.

Walking along a trail and seeing birds and squirrels was priceless.

Building a Blanket fort and using a flashlight to tell scarey stories.

My girls are all grown and have kids of there own, and they still bring up how LAME it was at the time, but then throw in, that they would cherish the time the family got to be together like the OLD Settlers did back in the olden olden days.

As we have gotten older,, we passed on the old RV for something newer or bigger or just cuz. With my work at the time, I traveled a lot and became accustomed to the full time RV life. I'm now retired and still FULL time in my 30 yr old RV. I have had new, larger Rv's and wasn't impressed by the craftsmanship and have always gone back to my original 5th wheel. It's just built like a tank. It doesnt have the fancy granite counter tops and eleven 50 inch flat screen Tv's and dishwasher and washer and dryer and 10 slide outs,(slight exaggeration).But its the perfect home away from home and I can pretty much park it anywhere I want to.

To me,,,, RV'ing gets in the blood, and the calling of the open road to somewhere  There are so many wonderful things to see, and wonderful people to meet and share lifes stories with. The wimminz will talk Girl stuffs and the guys will talk Shop. The only time the wimmin folk panic is when the hubby yells out,,,, Here, hold my beer and watch this. (this usually doesnt end well).

P.S.    admit it,,,, when you see an old tin can or box car,, you say to yourself,,,,, Yea,, I would look good in that.

Views: 170


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Comment by Betty-Shea Hoffman on September 27, 2014 at 11:34am
Hi! I don't
Comment too often but I just had to say that I really enjoyed your blog post!
I am hitting the road again next month...the call of the road is now a yell!
I think I will blog my travels... :+).
Thanks again for the fun read! !!
Comment by Stephen Moss on September 15, 2014 at 1:16am

Have to agree Lakota . I've spent time in many of the newer RVs and personally I think they are just slapped together, made to wear out so you have to get another because it's not worth fixing. Happy to say I full time now (retired) in my 84 Holiday Rambler and pull it with my 86 GMC Dually. Get more compliments and questions than the new rigs wherever I go. Can't beat Classic.

Comment by The Winds on September 14, 2014 at 1:25pm
as a bonus - I think most of the classic RV's have style and charm they new stuff can't match
Comment by R. Randall Halton on September 14, 2014 at 9:35am

Ms. Wolf has as most RV or camping enthusiast, experienced the spectrum of experience. The generation's have continued and maybe the next one thought that it wasn't worth it, when it came to the argument of faster production, higher quality, more volume and reduced cost's. Then through the years, the "Jones Effect", became the prevalence, it both industry and customer base establishment. The, we have, you should have, they have so we should do better.... , continues.

   I think most that involve themselves in full time RVing have been confronted with three issues. First, being tired of everything that has been controversial. Second economics. And Third, the desire to see other regions and cultures. Business's have also seen these issues and have structured their formats to provided availability at a agreeable customer cost.

  When we see the old tin can or box, we think well maybe that was very nice in it's day. What contributed to it's demise, and why is it so desirable today. Has what humanity not resolved the complaint's of the past. Everyone seems to have a complaint and a they should do this or that.

  Something to remember, Only three living creature's on this planet establish armies,,,

The Ant's , Human's and Crows... It takes a group to popularize something, it takes a idiot to destroy everything. So the Diploma Milled Elitist that have justified a way or a wrong seem to have prevailed. In their minds only. That's the "I would look good in that,,  I am a, "I would enjoy that, and maybe other's also would enjoy it... The other thing that establishes a army is botanical abundance, and that is why most enjoy the outdoors.  

 So as a Native American said, "Care for it, it has cared for us long before our existence... RVon!"



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