my generator is an onan 6.5 2 cyl. I got it started but when it warms up, it sputters and stalls. Is this just a choke adjustment? if i hold the throttle open it runs a little longer, but still stalls out. i have removed the carb and cleaned it out.

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Comment by Pablo M. Rodriguez on December 7, 2015 at 5:12pm

Matthew thanks so much for your information and will follow up with reading the conversion sheet as you mentioned.  Your help is much appreciated.  Cant wait to get this 76 pup road ready as I am itching to experience the RV life.

Comment by Jimco_W001 on December 6, 2015 at 8:24pm

Hi Jim, if you end up cleaning out the carb and flushing the fuel system just turn off the fuel when your finished running it.Run it till it stops. Then the next time you go to use the generator it should work again.Letting old fuel sit in the AC generator carb is the biggest problem.

Comment by Pablo M. Rodriguez on December 6, 2015 at 7:45pm

I have a similar generator on my Revcon but my problem is mine will not start.  I have wondered about the  comment by Mathew and since I am having issue starting it up, I just wonder if converting it to prop is a better idea.  Replacing my carb (Zenith) is a good 400.00 in the Dallas area. Can you tell me more Matthew?  What do I need to convert?

Comment by John "T" Nordhoff on December 6, 2015 at 10:57am

  As a past used RV dealer I saw a ton of those Onans that acted that way and the problem was often (NOT always)

1) If youre really lucky the fuel filter needs replaced

2) The automatic choke mechanism and linkage can be dirty and gummed up and sticking which cleaning and WD 40 can cure. Clean and light lube and flip and exercise it and see what happens. Note a sticky closed choke would cause excess black smoke. If you manually choke it just a tad and that cures the problem, then its a fuel starvation problem ,see below for filter or dirty carb or mis adjustment problems

3) The electric fuel pump may be weak but that's NOT the usual cause

4) The carb can be clogged up but you have to remove and completely disassemble and unscrew jets and other brass where possible and clean any passages with gumout and high air pressure and also insure the float level is correct

5) A very common cure is if the carb has the bottom center of bowl power adjustment screw that can be adjusted. If its too lean it needs screwed out, if too rich (excess black smoke) it needs turned in. NOTE some may not have that power adjust bottom bowl center screw,,,,,,,,,some may have a plastic stop so its only adjustable so far based upon altitude,,,,,,,,,,,I have broke/removed such a black plastic stop and re adjusted and cured problems . 

 SOUNDS LIKE IT MAY BE STARVING FOR FUEL (assumes gas in tank is over 1/4 or so full) and that's things above like fuel filter or dirty carb or carb needs power adjustment screw adjusted NOTE DO THAT GRADUALLY A 1/8 TO 1/4 TURN IS OFTEN ENOUGH

 Have you looked at the plugs??? if fouled replace and try that. If its an older unit with points and condenser it may need points cleaned or better yet replaced and maybe a new condenser. I have seen coils go bad and fail AFTER A WARM UP

 Lots of possibilities

 John T 



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