I remember, The days when I could walk down the street and not worry about being hurt by anyone. I remember the day when my dad worked for fleet wood in the 60's and 70's and some of the 80's and Rv's were built to stand. At least some of them anyway. I miss those days. All I see now is pain, and chaos on the tv. I have come to the sad conclusion that the commander will get what she needs only. No more plans of up-grading her, just fix the problem and move on. I had plans for her, but just can't muster up the cash for her. A member was wonderful enough to give me a Quadra Jet Carb that I needed badly. After 3 of them and getting ripped off, a member offered one to me off his old charger. It should do the trick I hope. I have not put it on yet. From my past posts, I am kind of afraid to bring the motor home home because I don't want to get turned in for having it here for a couple days. Now I just need the 2 roof vents, a toilet, and kitchen one hole faucet and she will be okay. I realized after advice that I need to reroute my fuel system. I have an electric pump that draws from one tank, so I made it draw from two but the place I put the pump is not correct ( same place it was before me ) or the switching valve is not correct either. I am hoping to get her done ( the fuel stuff, carb ) this week. I wish all the best this week!

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