I'm on my way back home right now from my annual half a year long road adventure and I stopped by one of my last camping spots and I usually see some friends of mine from West Virginia, but they didn't make it there. It isn't someone I usually have on speed dial or anything, but I do enjoy seeing and camping beside them for the past 4 years that I can remember and they are great people. I hope they didn't get caught up in the hurricane's destruction. There were a few people there from Maine who said that a tree had blew over on their vehicle according to their son and that several trees had blew over and there was high standing water there. Apparently the power is out there as well and don't expect it back on. She said her son has a generator, but a lot of people in the town doesn't have power and all the units in their nearby and surrounding towns had completely sold out and it made me thought of the company I buy my parts from. If there is anyone out there who does need a generator and is without power, a place in Kentucky sells generators, but I do not know if they got any in stock or not. They are usually pretty reasonably priced. Here is a link though http://www.rvpartscountry.com/RvGenerators. I suggest if anyone as any friends in these affected areas and can't find a source for power, please have them look online for a generator if they have a way to do so. My grand daughter has to use a breathing machine for asthma, and I'd hate to think that kids and people out there with respiratory and heart conditions are going without power. So everyone should spread the message. The lady from Maine said they hadn't even though of going online, so that is just some food for thought and I hope everyone is okay out there and trying re-cooperate! 

Thanks and God bless!


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