Up on the roof for the 1st time today. Holy Moley! Flashed 1 side of the a/c & moved to the other. Realized why it leaks so badly. Previous owner flashed over rusty seams. Kind of scared about what I uncovered. Have to grind down the rust & see if there's any roof left. Looks like there's at least 1 if not 2 other spots like this. Grrrrr... Hopefully won't fall through. 

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Comment by Jim Louiselle on June 23, 2013 at 6:56pm

Never heard of Hengs. But I learned the hard way not to keep layering goop up on top. The most difficult aspect of rebuilding my roof last year was removing years of hardened caulk and silicon so I could back out the screws and actually take things apart to fix it. I had to dig each of the seemingly several hundred screw heads out with an ice pick to expose the square drive heads enough to get a bit in there and remove them. Out of the 40 or so hours in that project probably a full eight went into doing nothing but scraping sealer of of fixtures to actually begin to repair.

Comment by Kristen & Stu on June 19, 2013 at 6:43pm

Thanks Jim. You're making my husband & I feel better about this. Thought I had it sealed. Put the hose up there & let it run, no leaks. Then we had a short shower overnight & I came out to a puddle (small one) on the floor.


Been checking Youtube for ideas. Several guys said use nothing but Heng's for repairing leaks. Has anyone had any experience with it? Should I then go over it with the Silver-Seal 300 that I have been planning to use when the leaks are repaired? I don't want to get so many layers up there that I have to go back & remove everything...again. lol

Comment by Jim Louiselle on June 17, 2013 at 6:08am

I know how you feel,,,When my roof blew half off on the highway two years ago I found out that the previous owner had simply stapled down luan and painted it with white roof sealer. This was his way of "rebuilding " the roof. So now I am in process of slowly undoing years of water leaks that went unnoticed by the people who used to own it.



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