Can I get some advice, I bought this motor home in 2004 and it was (was) in pretty good looks and shape. But due to me being sick a lot it went down hill. Once we were pulling it and we went about 25 miles and At one point I herd an explosion
so we stopped and checked it out and it smelled like something was burning but nothing ever materialized, so we contuned our jouurney until we reached our destination and I backed it in the RV park not a fancy place at all, rough territory. any way its been in this one spot since 08 and its been setting on the tires. The cabnet over the sink is 2 " away from the wall. Why? Can I put floor tile in a motor home. what can I do to revive it again. I haven't started the engine since 2006 but every now and then I get a screw driver and turn it over by pushing the teeth on the fly wheel. Any advice will help. I live alone and very very sick and do what ever I can.

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Comment by William Briggs on January 4, 2012 at 11:34pm

Dan, I'm almost certain the flooring you have is the Allure flooring I'm using. It goes down easy. Best of luck!

Comment by Tammy Pratt on December 31, 2011 at 1:05am

William Briggs I am with you on this one! We used the same flooring in our Indian when we redid the interior 2 years ago! Super easy to work with, super easy to get down, and when the project was done it looked fantastic and has held up really well! We could not be more pleased with it!

Dan that was the summer my husband had to work like a maniac so I did a lot of the work on my own while he was at work. The project was overwhelming until I learned to just take it slow and I managed to get it done by basically working on it everyday for a short period of time. I knew about as much as a hill of beans at this point but learned by looking things up one at a time and hanging in there. So do as much as you can and remember some progress is better than no progress even if it is just a few minutes every day and above all have fun!

Comment by Dan weyler on December 27, 2011 at 1:44pm

Hi william Briggs I have a friend that has some flooring and he said it would work fine on my RV

he got about 600 sqft left over from a job and said I didn't need to glue it down. I don't need to glue it down I guess its the same type of system it s mahogny and it 6" wide and avout 2.5 to 3 ft long. yea I need to fire it up. and get out of Dodge, too many gunslingers door knocking at night.

Comment by William Briggs on December 27, 2011 at 10:28am

Dan, my motorhome is 26 years old. I've noticed a slight gap (definitely not 2") where my overhead cabinets meet the sidewalls. I haven't figured that out, either.


I am very pleased with "vinyl plank flooring" sold at Home Depot and other places. By the time I'm done, I will have about $200 in the cost of the floor -- which is more expensive than some floors, but a lot less expensive than most floors. The vinyl planks snap together, and floats on the subfloor without the need for glue. (You'll add a piece of baseboard trim along the walls to lock the floor down.) They can be trimmed to fit with a box-knife or a heavy pair of scissors (I think the scissors work better, but it dulls them, so you'll need to throw them away afterward.) You can find pics of my floor on my page.



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