Hello to everyone here.
Please let me start by saying this my first RV larger than a pop-up. I just purchased a 1977 Wellimgton Mfg, Brittainy model 24', GMC chassis, 400 ci, 63000 mi, Class C motorhome. The selling points for me were the healthy smoothness of the motor AND the new roof, so it is watertight, having the sole leak fixed by the mechanic I bought it from. All in all it is very clean for being 35 years old.
This will be my new home, I am going to be a fulltimer. Not planning on moving it around much, I intend to spend my time in the Natnl Park System. The plan is to do northern parks in summer and southern ones in the winter.
My biggest issue is my disability. For some reason, most govt agencies tend to frown on a blind guy driving a car, much less a Class C truck, lol!
Seriously, has anyone heard of, know how to contact anyone or have any ideas on how to get a motorhome from pt A to pt B when the owner does not drive?
My first trip will be from Mn to southern Az, just as soon as I figure this out.
Pics of the restore/upgrade will start as soon as I get to a warm climate!

Nice to meet you all.

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Comment by Gary Sebastian on January 16, 2012 at 8:49pm


I admire you for your ability to press on with a dream despite your disability. I personally think that time spent camping is like time spent messing about with boats, absolutely nothing is more worth while than enjoying these passtimes. I wish I had a no brainer solution to your dilemma but I don't. I'll bet a guy like you with a positive attitude and perserverance can find someone to help when it is time to relocate your motorhome. You could probably just network with fellow campers and find someone who will help you when you need them. Camping people are some of the friendliest and most caring and helpful people you will ever meet. I bought my motorhome from the widow of a 91 year old man who could not drive it himself.                                                                                                                                 



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