Hey Gang,
What a lame festival! I have been to some bad fests but this might win the prize. I went to the Tuscarawas Italian American Festival Saturday night. How silly. IF I had to label this I would call it the Dover food vendor weekend. And even the food vendors were nothing spectacular.
The only Italians I saw were the committee cooks of the festival manning the only true Italian stand selling deee-licious homemade deserts.
Good thing I showed up. At least there was one Italian walking the streets, hmm that doesn't sound right.
I asked everyone I could, what does a rock band have to do with Italians, wheres the gambling, wheres pictures of the pope, wheres the Catholics, wheres the Italians? I couldn't find any of these even though the festival site has some Italian events listed.
America is changing so rapidly. The younger generation doesn't understand what true ethnic is unless its Hispanic or Muslim. And even then its in a perverted sense.
I over heard at an Italian restaurant in Cleveland a man explaining to his girlfriend, who had to be at least 30, which one was Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra in a photo on the wall. And back at the festival parking lot I spoke with a man and his wife about how things are changing. He said the fraternities such as the Eagles which I belong to are having a hard time attracting new members, good thing for the veterans at least they are holding things together.
I guess America has her own identity now, but I hate it. And its not just a generational thing. There is nothing appealing or cultural about people dressing in clothes that are 12 sizes to big or going out in lounge-wear made for home, wearing crocs, tattooed and speaking like they belong on Jerry Springer. I just hate it. Someone please turn back the clock for me.
There are things to see in Dover, the Warther Museum and the Gas Pump Museum are just two.

Views: 107

Tags: America, carey, dover, festival, gas, heaven, italian, masci, museum, ohio, More…pump, warther


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Comment by carey masci on September 11, 2010 at 2:00am
Billy thank you for the comment glad to know others are in agreement.
I am deeply saddened as well about the topic you touched on, the burning of the bible. Our country has lost her moral compass and is floundering around aimlessly with a leader that has little concept of the TRUE AMERICAN SPIRIT OR WAY. I best end it here as this is a fun site about travels and the people we meet.

Lets it with I agree.

If you care to ever read my political blog email me off site and I can give you the link.


Comment by billy barty on September 10, 2010 at 3:38pm
Carey; I'm Well Past Senior, I'm Not Italian But I Have Some Very Good Friend's Who Are, Most Of This Generation Does'nt Give A Damb About The Last One, It Didn't Used To Be Like That, Youngster's For The Most Part Had Respect. Yes Life Is Changing, And Were Getting Older, But That Doesn't Mean We Half To Go Along With It. Last Generation Pizza In New York, Heaven. Cheese Steak, The New One's Have No Idea. People In 3rd World Countries, Have Been Burning The New Testament & The(RED WHITE BLUE) For Year's Showing It On TV, I've Never Heard Of A Big Uprising About It Here? GOD SPEED; BILLY
Comment by carey masci on August 18, 2010 at 4:56am
Jana this has nothing to do with getting old. Getting old is remembering 8 tracks. This has to do with no class.
Heck I ran around with the Punk crowd growing up. And we had more respect for fashion and looking decent then this new attitude. At least our chains were always glistening and our leopard shirts were clean.
Comment by Jana Furzer on August 17, 2010 at 12:11pm
Does this mean we are getting old? Because I feel the same way. Shouldn't it be pride in heritage and America? That's what makes us what we are-the wonderful mix! Kind of like how they phase out holidays at the schools when the should be mentioning all of them- everyone is so afraid to step on political toes that they don't "dance" at all! Generations knowing nothing about their history-others history and local history!



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