I've have redone my travel trailer. I, and quite a few others, love it. The last 4 are before pictures.…Continue
Started Apr 16, 2016
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Hello back female Vet - We are an adventurous group - Regarding hidden issues - or even obvious ones - I know I get myself in trouble with the statement "how hard can it be" - but I do enjoy a challenge. I had to put an AC in mine, I could have gotten away without it in Colorado - but my daughter lives in Georgia so A/C is a must when I go visit her.
Hi Diane, I think Ned Battle, one of the members can help you with a manual for your 1976 travel trailer. I think, if I'm not mistaken, he has the manual for a 1978, but it is more or less the same. Good luck !
John Harrison hit the backing up, right on the nail head,, Watch the tires,, the tires are your pivot point,, My grnad father taught me that trick when I was a wee toddler backing up the garden tractor with the utility trailer on the back... which in turn worked its way into bigger trailers through out my years. And if possible, Always have a spotter,,, But in the case one is not available, stop, get out, walk around and survey the situation,, back slow,, get out again, survey and then resume. It may seem like a royal pain, BUT can save you headaches and $$$$$$$'s. Pat made an excellent point, back in to the left, Meaning, you can look out drivers window and see down the side.
I taught my daughters how to back trailers in an empty part of a parking lot,, and had them back into a *parking spot from different angles. They didnt see any point in learning this at the time, but as the years went by,, They did come into a situation to have to back a *U-haul trailer into a driveway and thanked me for teaching them something, that they could use later on.
Grand father had some wise wisdom,, would say you back up till you hear a crunch, which means you went 4 inches to far.,, Hope you dont back into anything. be safe and take your time.
As a long haul trucker with over 35 years of experience may I add just a couple of things to your advise. When backing any trailer take a couple of seconds and mentally envision where you want the trailer to go, in other words have a plan. Second look less at the very tail of the trailer and more where the tires are. I have taught many a truck driver and had a few who just could not get it until I taught them to look at the tires, they would be chasing the back end all over the place.
What's the color and size of your accordion door?
The Terry towed like a dream, but then we got home and had to back it into the driveway. Sigh...! Took a good half hour. Then we had the fun task of covering it in the dark.The cover's front and back were where they should be, but it was inside out. If it wasn't for the wind vents, we could leave it as is. We plan on inverting it today between storms.
Hi Diane,
I also just joined the site. I purchased a 17 ft.,'64 Terry. Other than some wood rot from a leak or two, it's in good shape and almost all of the original parts are there!
I'm in San Jose and the trailer is in San Bernardino. Found it on Craigslist and asked my brother inlaw to buy it. Weather permitting, we will drive down, get it tomorrow, and drive back the next day. It's my first and I plan to keep it as original as possible, but will upgrade the electrical and plumbing. It has a full bathroom and will fit in our driveway!
Well Diane, you've come to the right place to meet vintage RV'ers. T ake a look around the site there are a lot of resources for you and also a lot of how too's and so on. have a question post it on the main page and you will get responses from other members or jump in and respond to others if you can contribute to there posts. again welcome.