Well here I am. The proud owner of a 1962 Robin Hood Cadet Coach. Neglected, sad, and having no sense of purpose. So I have embraced this derelict. Gently restoring the Robin Hood to it's former glory. (I can type that in about 5 seconds,) the reality is that we, that being a partnership, of trailer, and myself, are in for the long haul.

So I am reaching out to all of you, who have been on the journey that I have begun. I can not find much in the way of information regarding the history of Robin Hood. Who built them? Where? How do I find parts, that are original? So many questions. I am finding out, that thinking out of the box is a requirement.  

So I am turning to those of you that have the knowledge, and most importantly, the patience to gently prod me along. It is either that, or long sessions in therapy. 

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you. There is much to be  thankful for. If we but just take a minute to be in reflection.


Steve, and KoKo Bean Jordan, the wonder dog.  

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We are all here to help you along any way we can... You have enbarked on a journey that in the end will be very rewarding...... Welcome aboard.

Ah Gee. Thanks for the nice thoughts. Our goal, that being KoKo Bean Jordan the wonder dog, and I will set out in the spring. I spent 28 years in crash recovery for Boeing. I spent the majority of that in various countries. Yet we have seen so little of this beautiful, and scary land. So rving we will go.


Wow,,, thats a job description I havent heard before.

Yes,,, there is a huge vast land of adventure just waiting to be re-explored. When traveling,, dont make the mistake of just going from one place to the next. Enjoy the scenery, and if something catches your fancy,, pull off the road, explore, enjoy the LITTLE things.

You have the lower 48 to enjoy at your Lesuire, taking life one day at a time.

I have been fortunate to have done extensive travel along our highways and biways, and even when rushed, I will take a little time to *smell the roses, along the way.

RV life isnt just a way of life, Its an Adventure.

By the way,, what kind of dog is Jordan the wonder dog?

Yes, I agree with you. Pull of the road, and explore. But you know it goes beyond that. The aboriginals, when they go on a walk about, will just, as a group, sit. Quietly they stay as a group. And what they are doing is allowing their spirit to find them. What a wonderful notion. Sitting quietly, and allowing your spirit to find you. So much of that is akin to pulling off the road, and exploring. Thanks for sharing that with me.

 KoKo Bean Jordan found me, one summer evening, 11 years, and 6 months ago. I was working in my garden, and this creature, looking very much like a big caterpillar, came waddling down the street. I scooped him up, and he looked so so sad. So I licked his nose, and his tail gave a hint of a wag. He has balanced my world for all those years. He is a quarter German Shepard, a quarter Malamute, a quarter Mastiff, and a quarter Keeshound. 

I think I sent you a picture of him. 



Wow,,,,,,, Those eyes would melt anyones heart. Beautiful dog. Actually a family member. I have a rescue Rat terrier which is my service dog and side kick.

You know. KoKo Bean has never been a dog. Just a member of my tribe. And as a rescue puppy. He has always been so grateful, so in the moment. 

I am heartened that you have your tribal member. They balance our world, and bring unconditional love, that will always center us.

Happy Thanksgiving to you guys. I trust your puppy will eat well, as KoKo Bean will!


Hi Steve, there is a treasure trove of information and people to help you along. I have only been at it for a year now and with the help of the good folks around here I feel like I have a good handle on it. I have a 1978 Travelcraft and I spend most of my RV ing in my home state of OHIO with my travel companion P.J. a nine year old Sheltie. Have a wonderful time with your project.

What fun Rich. My traveling tribal member is KoKo Bean Jordan, the wonder dog. He has balanced my world to 11 years, and 6 months now. So when we get this Robin Hood travel trailer resurrected. He, and I will see what this beautiful, yet scary plant has to offer.

I spent 28 years in crash recovery, and customer support for Boeing. Most of that time was spent overseas. So while I have been to every continent. I  have spent little time exploring this country. 

So happy Thanksgiving to you, and P.J. We all have much to be thankful for, if we but look for those blessings. Thanks for your words of encouragement

Steve, and KoKo Bean  the wonder dog.


Here is KoKo Bean doing his daily Yoga exercises.

What a goof!



This is my *Smiley,  almost looking serious.


Now that puppy has a face that could start a war. At the very least, make a poet weep. What a imp.

Thank you for sharing this picture with me. 


Here is PJ I bought her for my youngest boy when our 13 year old Dalmatian passed away. She for some reason imprinted on me and  we have a bond that is hard to explain but I thank the good lord for her every day. She is my best friend by far.





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