I have a question for anyone that's has an older style Ford chassis rv with a  460cu inch engine in their rv. I can't seem to get an answer, even from the dealer. My question is, the heater bypass hose that goes from the water pump to the engine block. Its a small hose and I wonder if it is possible, or if anyone has actually tried to change this very important hose, without having to pull the water pump to do this. I'm not sure if there is enough room to somehow squeeze or fit this hose between the block and pump. I really don't want to find out the hard way by cutting the hose off and then finding out that was just not a smart thing to do. Any help or advice would sure be appreciated.



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WOW! What a great response. Yes, I was afraid that's the way it was going to be. And I do agree, original water pump and I do need to change the belts, fluids, etc. So a new water pump ,hoses, etc. it shall be. What was Ford thinking when they designed an engine like this? The engine over the years has been bullet proof with only a carb change to a trusty old AFB and not much more. Again, thanks to everyone to the great response.


I have changed 3 or 4 of these over the years in misc Fords, and Its almost impossible to change it with out removing the water pump. It looks so close to being able to just cut it and then squeezer-ating another in there,,,, It dont work.,,  Some early Chevy 305's were same way..  water pump removal is the way to change it.

, I  could never get it to bend enough and squished enough to get both ends of hose on,  Mind you,, I did try and I could never get it to cooperate.

I would drain the antifreeze,pull the radiator,change out that old water pump and install a new piece of heater hose.Plus all the other hoses and belts.This would be a good time to check your transmission lines and also replace your engine fuel pump and thermostat.Doing these things now is much better than later when it might be inconvenient.

 I owned a ton of those DARN 460 Fords over the years and HATE THEM LOL. As I recall if you have the fittings greased and cut the hose just a tad short its possible to change that hose but it will still drive you to drink grrrrrrrrrrr. HERES WHAT I STARTED DOING. Each time I bought a dern 460 Ford the FIRST thing I did while at home in a nice clean shop and warm weather was to:

 Pull the radiator and replace it with a 4 core heavy duty unit,,,,,,,,,,,(factory was only 3 core)

 Replace the dern water pump n be done with it cuz they will all go out.

 Refill with distilled water......anti rust,,,,,,,wetting agent,,,,,,,,,, and super cool

 Allllllllll new belts n hoses

 The you can drive them dern Ford 460's for years trouble free

 If you have to change a water pump on the road in a parking lot when its raining grrrrrrrr There are 1000 bolts on that water pump and you have to remove water pump and PS pump and alternator n smog pump and AC and they all have belts and all those things are all bolted together grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr grrrrrrrrrrrr I hated them 460 Fords lol

 Sorry for the rant, but I learned all this the hard way over the years

 Ol John T

Is there a timing belt in that engine?

Hi Kevin,this engine has a timing chain made out of steel.

so should it be changed while you have the water pump out or not? pardon my stupid question. I know a lot of times they change the timing chain along with the water pump in some engines.

If your in that far,, its a good idea to go ahead and change the timming chain and gears with fresh gaskets and front seal,,, that way ya wont have any problems in that area.

I know that this might sound like a bit much, but if I am planning on having it for any length of time and I get far enough in to reach the timing gears I generally do the cam, lifters and push rods too.

WOW, timing cam and lifters also !! Youre worse then I was lol. Seriously, once you add a heavy duty extra 4 core radiator (original was only 3 core) and a new water pump belts n hoses you can run the mountains and desert and NOT overheat. After all that you can run that 460 for years n miles n miles NO PROBLEM in my experience. Heres another problem I had with all the many 460's I had. The back bolt on the exhaust manifold broke on manyyyyyyyyyy and then the gasket burned out then the manifold so she leaked grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. What I did on many was to either have the manifolds planed down smooth and re use or else just buy new ones. BE SURE AND CHECK THOSE MANIFOLD BOLTS. Also there was a back exhaust head to head crossover pipe that burns out and leaks exhaust grrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Also those EGR control valves tend to burn out and stick grrrrrrrrrrrrr. The C6 trannys did okay however on an old unit I would have it power flushed, new filter, and refill with Synthetic  Fluid and add a can of Lucas Tranny Treatment. THIS IS BASED ON EXPERIENCE WITH MANY MANY 460 FORDS MIND YOU but once this was all done I NEVER had a problem. In the old days Gerharty RV Automotive in California sold a gear and chain that was supposed to improve a 460 timing problem and increase performance coupled with an advanced distributor spring assembly for better performance and timing. I sent him my distributors and carb and things were definitely better afterwards.

 Gee its fun spending your monely lol

 Let us know and keep us updated

 Ol John T almost back home in Indiana, sittin at Wal Mart in Bowling Green Kentucky now




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