we are redoing a 1984 allegro after it has sat for 5 years new tires and air bags first.

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I also need to remove the carpet and put in a water proof floor. what is the best?

Congratulations on the Project Willard, It looks like you have your priorities on track with the tires first. that is an issue many folks push to the back burner; I had a bad experience in that area and I always try to express how important Tires are. On the flooring I would suggest you go to the top of the page and do a search ( bar is in the right corner of the page) a lot of folk are opting for snap tight type vinyl or laminated flooring. I'm thinking of doing this as well and have looked at lot of different materials. So far I'm thinking on carbonized bamboo. It's said to hold up well under heavy traffic and is water resistant as well. I wish you good luck with your project and welcome to good old RV's


thanks for the REPLY  rich I have owned this old motorhome for years we traveled in it till diane had a stroke and I parked it. that was 5 years ago. she said last she wished we could get in the motorhome and get away. so I am going to make it happen. thanks I am going to check the bamboo flooring. keep in touch willard

My '84 sat in a tow yard for 6 years with a blown engine before I restored it. It had lots of leaks. First priority was to keep the water out of it while I swapped the engine out. A blue tarp worked for a while until I sealed everything up with liquid roof. The Allegros are aluminum framed so there's no worry about wooden structural rot. The roof is very thick plywood and even though it was rotted, it dried out nicely. I walked every square inch of the roof and it's solid (aluminum rafters are 12" on center). 

Yank all the carpet out that you can. It soaks up the moisture and after 32 years is definitely shot. I put Pergo Select laminate flooring down. It's not water proof, but if you have it sealed properly it will be okay (that goes for any laminate). Wipe spills up fairly quickly and don't let liquids puddle for too long. My front A/C drains onto the floor when in motion so I've had a fair amount of water leak onto the floor without a problem.

Curious as to the size of yours and the layout. Mine says "M-31" on the tag in the cab, which the insurance companies can't find. They only have "M-30". It's a 30-footer with twin beds in the rear. No dinette - has a lounge up front instead with 2 lowboy swivel chairs and a big couch.

thanks for the reply jim. we have had this old allegro for years and had a lot of fun in it. diane had a stroke 5 years ago so I poured active to the gas and covered it .. she is feeling better and wants to get back on the road. ours is a 27 with a dinette and a full sized bed. it was running fine when I parked it now needs a carb putting an edelbrook on it willard

Hey Willard, Good to still have her around and wanting to get out and go again. Hope you have many enjoyable trips in your Allegro.

Just an FYI about the Edelbrock carb. I have had mechanics on both sides of the fence on these carbs. About half I have talked to say stay away from Edelbrock, they are past their good days and resting on their laurels putting out cheaply plated products and the plating is coming off. The other half say Edelbrock is still the best. I opted to have my Rochester rebuilt. Another aside here, I should have spent another $500 and put on a TBI system. I have no complaints about the job the Rochester has done, but a little better fuel economy and some additional power for the Rockie Mountain passes would be appreciated.

Good Luck with everything and as always, be safe.

thanks russ I will check the edelbrock.  the one I have is about 20 yrs. old it was on one of our old hot rods. my son just put a kit in it so I will put it on an try it.  I will re do the one on it now just in case. may add a blower for some more power. god bless willard

I opted to rebuild my Quadrajet, too. It's been a great carb, except that the choke is a little finicky. TBI is probably the way to go if you can afford it. And along those lines, an OD transmission would make life a lot easier too.




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