I have seen a lot of write ups about tank cleaning with bleach my ? is can the bleach mixture sit longer my hot water side really smells even after running fresh water over 1 hr if I put the bleach mixture in my tanks could it sit a week or would that hurt something any help would be great Thanks Darrell

Tags: Bad Smell in Water, RV Annode Water Heater, RV Water Heater

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Thanks pat

I am gonna try the bleach but it is a horrible smell I am pretty good with plumbing but this baffles me

As Pat already said, bleach will damage rubber seals, not sure I'd let a strong mix sit in the tank for a week.  That being said, if its a rotten egg smell, I've read about people using a 50/50 mix of vinegar / water and letting it sit over night.

Its not really a rotten egg smell its hard to pin point but the smell stuck with the wife and I for couple hrs after leaving camper I will try the bleach for a couple hrs to see if it does it again it is a strange smell I have had wells for years and no the rotten egg smell very good but does seem to be the worst from hot water side Thanks again for all your help Darrell

I am new to the RV community myself but here is something that I have been advised of by a friend of mine.  If you are setting up after the winter storage and you left the drain plug out of the water heater over the winter you need to back flush the heater because varmits can get in the hole and pollute things.  Watch the water as it comes out of the drain for any foreign objects.  after flushing, disinfect again with bleach.

I really dont know about the plug the old owner had it pretty much ready to go but I will try that thanks for the imfo.

My own experience with this problem turned out to be the sacrificial rod in the water heater. It finally gave up and the water was attacking the plumbing I guess. Anyway check this rod in the water heater and replace it all you get is the plug when  you pull it out! 

Im not sure what rod you are talking about

Darrell: Most water heaters have a rod in them that runs from top to near the bottom of the tank. The purpose of the rod is to be attacked by electrolytic action of certain minerals in water. As the rod corrodes it losses its ability to do its job so water can attack the liner of the heater itself. You can find out more if you google your model of water heater. most rv places carry the rods on the shelf or can get one. The plug for the rod is about 1" square and you can get it out with a crescent wrench. Hope this helps. Jim

Thanks Jim I will check that out. Darrell




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