i'm trying to find info on the 12v system of my camper.  I found 5 wires on the front that had been cut. after some trial and error I was able to get the 12v lights inside to work.  is there a junction box somewhere that feeds them?  should this have had a convertor?  I have a light switch just inside the door that has two switches on it that does nothing and the pump for the water tank is wired but have no idea were the wires go or how to make it run.

1971 mobile scout 

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Does it have front couch area?   On numerous trailers, with bench seats in front that converts into bed etc,, they usually put water tank on drivers side and wiring goes along same side as fresh water tank. Some have converters UNDER the sink or stove. and some ONLY have a fuse panel rail up at front of trailer in front of the water tank.  If you have found your water pump,, the direction of the wires tell you what way to follow.. ANOTHER area is what I have found on 70 Aristocrat was the fuse block was UNDERNEATH the front of the trailer just behind the tongue. (weird place for it, but was original.) If You have a plug in area for shore power,, then your converter is usually within 2 feet of that. They can and do hide them in the weirdest places,,,, Good luck.

Thanks, in the front is the table that coverts into a bed and the water tank and pump are on the drivers side under the seat. The power wire goes under the tank then disappears. The fuse box is on the drivers side rear. I guess its time to go on a treasure hunt. Is there any wiring diagrams that exist for these things?

The wire diagrams I have come across are very very Vague. Its a search and rescue type of work when dealing with Ghost wiring.   90% chance the water tank is probly sitting on the wire,, but should go back to the cabinet area. i.e. stove,heater,etc.

Wiring goes from floor up to each light or if lights are down the center of ceiling, they usually have a main feed wire and then tap in each light off a main run.

On some of the old Terry trailers, they ran a main light wire up the front drivers corner then aimed it tward the center of ceiling and ran 2 wire run down the center attaching each light to that single run.

Trace where your main shore power line runs to, and from there the spaggetti begins.  the wiring from the fuses and breakers go everything. 




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