I know I shouldn't be complaining as it has only been 20 days since we got back from AZ, but I am SOOO ready to get back on the road again. Home is nice, but it cannot compare to being on the road.
I feel like Ben Rumson (Lee Marvin) of Paint Your Wagon fame. "I was born under a wandering star." All I want to do is go, not so much as put miles on each day, but to see what each day brings and move on as the spirit leads, with DW and the MH being the only things that require my attention, the rest is living life to the fullest. As Voltaire said “God gave us the gift of life; it is up to us to give ourselves the gift of living well.”
Excuse my waxing long, I just feel like emoting on this cold, wet, house-bound day. Typical of a day not lived well.
I know the feeling. I worked the grid iron of 10 hr work days, etc, and I retired and the blacktop keeps calling. I originally just wanted to travel till I saw something catch my eye and pull off and enjoy it. Then I start moving other RV's as a *Favor, turned full time. I get home and cant seem to settle down,, getting all fidgity and the calling of the road hits. Im not sure if its just me getting older and the clock running faster in our senior years, or if I just enjoy the freedom of going where I want and when I want and taking my home with me.
"I get home and cant seem to settle down, getting all fidgety and the calling of the road hits."
This so aptly fits what I am feeling, I should have known that you would be the one to most understand what I am feeling. Kindred road spirits.
Some people just have it in their blood.. The adventure gene. I figure,, ya only get one chance in life, and if ya get to the end and say,, I WISHED I could have, instead of I DID, then you didnt live life to its fullest.
When I turn in and the final curtain closes,,,, My body is gonna be all tore up from skidding in sideways, But boy oh boy, aint nothing around thats gonna be able to get that smile off my face.
I feel your pain, Thursday, 70 deg. Friday snow flurries. Today clear sky's and a whopping 32 degrees.
Its NOT,,,, where we going...... It's ,,,,,,, I don't know where we are going, BUT WE ARE ON OUR WAY.
So,,sit down, shut up, and hold on. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !!!!!!!!!
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