Hello all. Well its' that time, electrical repair. I purchased an 88 Alpenlite DX. At the bathroom the 12 volt switches work well. There are two plates covering boxes with 110 volt wiring. Within the series of wires I have found that the outside outlet is tied into this group and it doesn't work. I pulled off the covers inside and they are dead. The outlet on the outside is dead also. All of the breakers are working well, fuses are good, no GFCI in the RV at all. I am truly lost. Would like to have some working GFCI's in the bathroom. Would like any suggestions that you have on this. Pretty much driving me crazy.

Thanks you all. 

Oh, by the way. got the external CAT 5 installed. Working really well. 

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All wires (black) are dead? What are you using to check with, meter or light? I would track back to next outlet in line, check it for power. Then next one or breaker. Check the outlets, if they are the stab in type that could be a potential problem. Cut off power and with meter check continuity back through each outlet or junction,to breaker, there is power at both sides of breakers? Check neutral for continuity a bad neutral will drive you crazy.

All the black wires are dead. I checked them with a meter. They are taped off. It is just in the bathroom area that everything (110) is dead. The sleeping birth, kitchen and living all have power. 

Is bath on it's own breaker? If not, wire disconnected from one of the other areas. Might have to open some other outlets to find wire that is disconnected. Or, a modification to interior was made and wire was cut.

Sounds like a PO may have had a problem and deliberately isolated the Bath area. I think I would proceed with caution at this point and just do a rewire with Gfci's. That's the only way to have real peace of mind I.M.H.O.

Dean. Your Main feed (hot wires) run down the side of the RV opposite of the shower stall. ( factory safety  reasons). Its run in parrallel from your living quarters outlet. and those stab in connections on the wall outlets are a good place to check,, they are known to go bad,, even on newer Rv's.

My advice is to home run a new power line to bathroom area with a good quality GFI outlet.

BUT.. I would still be concerned about where they *CUT the power source supplying the bathroom 110 service. Taped up wires always gets my curiosity up, especially when I see electrical tape wrapped around dangly wires in a junction box.

Its always a wonder what the previous owner was thinking or doing to have to disconnect 110 service to bath area,, as in,, what was the original problem?. (electrical short,,? a cut wire in a repair job and over looked?). Think outside the box, and double check everything. Electrical problems can be dangerous.

   hello:   stopped to say that those stab in 110 outlets are problematic,   check the wire itself where it pushes in to the back or side of the outlet,  they corrode, loose tension on the wire with age and instead of carrying the power at that point they get warm or hot and then become a resistor in a way,   not good,  they are inexpensive to buy and replace , cheap insurance!!!???




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