I would like to invite anyone with an interest in Glastron Motorhomes to share their ideas and experiences, ask questions and leave comments. I have owned a 1970 model for 16 years and have a lot of experience with it and learn more all the time. The first big question we all seem to have is how many were produced and in what years.  

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Awesome, our own page. Gary, you seem to be "Mr Glastron" so thanks for doing this. I hope you have fun catching us all up on what you have learned for the last 16 years. Also thanks to Pat and Good Old RVs for giving us this space.
Let the discussion begin. First off I was looking at my title and it says 71, my door jamb tag says 6/70. That seems early to call it a 71. All the Glastron info I have seen says 68-70 for model years, does any body know?
Gary thanks for the gen. info. I tried the knife switch, but nothing. I will commence the trouble shooting procedure soon. I hope its not major, pulling the generator would be no fun.
Here is my first plea to all the Glastron owners out there, both of you: Anybody got any manuals, or brochures, or anything printed?? My Glastron came with nothing. I just sold a silver streak travel trailer, the old man I got it from saved everything, every manual every receipt. Now I realize what a blessing that was.
Gary I can't believe you have owned the same Rv for sixteen years. You must really love your Glastron. I Hope mine turns out half as nice.
PS I spent many years working with fiberglass in the aviation, motor racing, and boat industries so maybe I can contribute repair/modification advice if needed.
Craig, sorry for the slow reply, I have been at Orcas, Island for the last few days and now I am in Sidney on Vancouver Island. Some places we get no cell service and no internet. I do have what I beleive to be a complete Glastron owners manual for mine. It even came with a Glastron binder. It is a little vague on some systems but you would probably find a lot of things helpful. Previous owners have written remarks on some pages so it is not perfect. I would be happy to share it with you and Jimmy. I won't be home until October so it won't be right away. There are some motorhome brochures that cover these available at times on Ebay. Mine is definitely a 1970 on the door jamb and title. I have heard of 69,70 and 71 models over the years. There is a man in Arizona I talked to recently that bought his new in 1969 and still has it but wants to sell. He has spent over 30,000 restoring it and I don't know how much he would sell it for. Gary
What is a Glastron? Can you post photos?
Becky, Go to the top right hand corner of the "Good Old RV's web site and type in Glastron and you will see photos of Glastron motorhomes. The company is best known for fiberglass boats, they only made motorhomes for a short time and not many were made.
hello i havea 1969 sandpiper that all i know about it
Doyle, I am not sure what a Sandpiper is. I don't know of anything Glastron made by that name but let me know if they did. Thanks, Gary
Mike, I do have a few pics of the work I have done on my Glastron over the years, but they are in Texas and I am on the west coast hiding from the hot weather there. I will dig some up and post them this fall. Thanks, Gary

Hey Mike, Thanks for putting the brochure in here for us. These pictures depict the model that there seems to be the most of. The galley in this model is on the drivers side and so is the bathroom in the very back. They produced at least one other floor plan with a mid bath on the drivers side and the galley on the other side. Thanks again, Gary
My dad restored his and put everything new.It has new modern engine trans with fuel injection electric step satelite dish all new apliances over 30k invested. He purchased it new and said ony a couple hundred were made. His is a 1969 model year and it has been all over to canada us and mexico.
I think I have seen your dads rig, isn't it for sale? Is this dads Glastron motorhome pulling a Glastron boat?

Mine barely pulls itself. Your dad did a great job.




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